Taking NCLEX on July 26!!! HELP!!


hello all! i must admit i have been lurking around this website for a while now. the time has come for me to take my nclex. i have done everything i know how to do. i took the kaplan review course (in-class). i have done nclex questions (almost 2,000 of them since i started studying about 4 weeks ago). i have exercised (to stimulate blood flow to my brain and to lose a few lbs.!), read a comprehensive review book (though i don't know how much of it i've retained!) and prayed, prayed, prayed. now i think i'm finally ready. i am a little nervous. my question is, do you guys have tips on how to stay calm during the test? and how to stay focused even after 150 questions (which i seriously hope i don't get!)? thank you in advance.

Jeez. That's quite the prep routine. Just go in sit down and take it. I dont get test anxiety and don't really understand the people who make big deals out of these things, but just relax. Being nervous is a vicious cycle, once you start worrying you then worry about how much you're worrying and on and on. You've obviously studied so you'll be fine.

I figure dressing comfortably and being relaxed is the most import aspect of test taking. Also, they give you a dry erase board to write stuff down on, so just think of all the things you may not be good at and practice writing them down. I wrote down all the normal lab values and etc so I could just look at them later instead of having to remember them over and over.

I was bored out of my mind when my test shut off in the 70s, so 150 must be hell, but my plan was to stop at 140 and just go sit outside and chill out doing nothing for 5 minutes or so. Kind of like pushing reset on my brain. On the bright side, if you do get to 150, you know that you are more than half finished and still in the running. You've done 2000 questions, what are few more going to hurt.

Not sure how to edit posts, so sorry for the double post. I didnt mean to imply that you were making too big of a deal about this, but there will be people in the lobby freaking out, don't let their insecurities cause you to doubt yourself. That's what I meant.

thank you. i plan on dressing comfortably and bringing food of some sort, just in case i go over the 150 question mark. i'm not making a huge deal out of this, i've decided. what's the worst that could happen right?

there will be people in the lobby freaking out, don't let their insecurities cause you to doubt yourself.

Those are the people that make my anxiety worse, and precisely the reason why I started showing up for exams right before they started in nursing school. Unfortunately, I can't do that for NCLEX since they have to finger print you, etc so if any body is freaking out really bad, stay away from the Tampa testing center on July 27th!! :lol2:

I am going to do a ton of questions today, tomorrow, and some Wednesday. Everyone says not to do that the day before your exam, but I do much better when I practice every day. A little 50-75 question test is not going to kill me, but it will keep my brain in that testing mode. I won't do any practice questions on Thurs, just the real deal!

Nurse Lene, maybe during the test if you feel yourself starting to panic, just close your eyes and take some deep, slow breaths and think of something happy. I am going to think about my recent trip to England and Scotland. :) Maybe we'll look a little weird, but I am hoping that wil help me refocus. THe people who look at those suveillance cameras must be greatly amused!!

great ideas!! I am actually in Anaheim, CA so hopefully there are no anxious people there. I have resigned to the fact that there is no way that I will know everything, so I shut the books. Lab values are still fuzzy in my head, but I know I can answer each question..or at least think about the answer and try desperately to pick the right one! I am doing 265 questions today and maybe 100 tomorrow. I am the same as you! I can't just NOT study the day before! Good luck! I know we can DO THIS!!

I take my NCLEX the same day, so good luck to you.... im freaking out too!! Good luck!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Oncology, Home Health, Psychiatry.


I, too, am a nervous test taker. Took my test today.

Here's what I did to prepare...

dDay before test..find something fun and non-thought provoking to do!! Enjoy the break!

The morning of, pray (alone or with someone...I go to morning prayer, so I had someone to help keep me de-stressed)

Eat a good protein based meal ( I had a protein smootie with fresh fruit)

And get to the facility a few minutes early and resign to the fact that you have done all you can do. You have studied, graduated, and studied some more. You have cried, prayed, and screamed. You may have lost sleep, but this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

If your computer goes past 75 questions..pick a number in your head. If you pass that number, plant your feet firmly in front of you, re-adjust yourself in your seat and just remind yourself that it may just take a few more questions to show how competent you are as a nurse!

After the test, breathe a sigh of relief and thank God it's over!!! :lol2:

I'm sure you will do fine!


hello all! i must admit i have been lurking around this website for a while now. the time has come for me to take my nclex. i have done everything i know how to do. i took the kaplan review course (in-class). i have done nclex questions (almost 2,000 of them since i started studying about 4 weeks ago). i have exercised (to stimulate blood flow to my brain and to lose a few lbs.!), read a comprehensive review book (though i don't know how much of it i've retained!) and prayed, prayed, prayed. now i think i'm finally ready. i am a little nervous. my question is, do you guys have tips on how to stay calm during the test? and how to stay focused even after 150 questions (which i seriously hope i don't get!)? thank you in advance.

i would like to know if you scored above the 65% kaplan requested on each of the test

I love your advice nextnursedani!!

Specializes in Oncology, Home Health, Psychiatry.

Thanks Jen...that goes for you too!!!

i passed Kaplan's Readiness Test and I have been scoring anywhere from the high 50s to the high 60s in the question trainer..however, i was told by my teacher not to concentrate on the test percentage, but concentrate rather on how many i can get right in a row...she said around 8-14 questions right in a row is what's really going to push me up above the nclex baseline into the passing range..and i have been getting anywhere from 8-12 questions right in a row in each practice test..i feel good!

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