Taking Chem in a 6 week session?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Would taking chem in a 6 week winter session be a Bad Idea? I'm going to do that and Psych, most likely, but I know really nothing about how stressful/not taking it in 6 weeks would be. Any opinions?

This'd be my first college science course-- it's my second semester but I'm not originally a nursing major. I'd really rather do A&P, I think, but all those spots are filled.


good luck!!

that alot of material in a short period of time! personally, i wouldnt do it, but thats only my opinion.

If it were me NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! Chem is kicking my butt, I couldn't imagine taking it in 6 weeks. I really would not recommend it especially since this is your first college science class.

Specializes in SRNA.

If you aren't currently employed and you are willing to make that course your life for the 6-week duration, I would consider it. You would need to commit 100% ahead of time, and hit the ground running from day one. I took a 5-unit Anatomy (w/lab) in 6 weeks, four evenings per week and I got through it by having total focus. Six weeks will fly by, and you'll probably have an exam every week (or every other). Just be sure if you do go through with it to keep on top of everything and absolutely do not fall behind.

Its doable, just know exactly what you're getting into! Good luck! ;)

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

I would advise against it since it's your first college science class. It's tough enough in the standard format; trying to do it an accelerated format like that is asking for trouble.

Thank you all so much. I'm pretty much leaning against it now, yeah. I guess I'll take Psych and.. I'm not sure what. Urban Sociology, maybe. (It's not a clinical prereq but a requirement at my school... which I kind of love.) That or English, I guess. The only thing I'm worried about is taking Chem and A&P together in the spring, since I haven't done science in a while... But anyway, I'm babbling, thank you all for the advice!

Good luck with that 6 wk course...

I had a hard time with a normal semester of chem, so bad that I withdrew before it affected my GPA. First time I was EVER in danger of failing a class. I can't even fathom trying to do a chem class in 6 wks. Unless of course I had no job, no kids, no responsibilites and no other classes to worry about. Even then I'd have my reservations.

And I wouldn't want to take Chem and A&P at the same time. Two hard classes both with labs...nope I wouldn't do that either.

Can you take say Psych and chem or A&P and then the next semester do English with the science you didn't take with the Psych?

Yeah.. I'm beginning to think that it won't be the end of the world if I wait until Spring 09 to apply for clinicals instead of next Fall (though I would really prefer that.. . Hmm.) OTOH, I'm 17, and so do pretty much have no job, kids, responsibilities, and I guess I could devote six weeks to Chem. I'm trying to decide if it's better to do just chem (which does sound pretty crazy) or 2 other Nursing-GenEd classes.

But this 6-week chem thing is definitely sounding even stupider than I first thought. Thank you all!

Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

17? Wow...if only I could turn back the hands of time. Chemistry is no joke, but I say if you feel like dedicating your life to it for those six weeks, go for it. I would probably do it to take on a challenge...but that's just me. I can understand how impatient you can get when you want something so much. I do however believe that you'll get stressed within those six weeks because it's a lot of material in such a small amount of time. I'm taking chemistry now and it's a 15 week course that isn't necessarily kicking my butt, but can get confusing, especially considering we sometimes take an exam on a certain chapter and review another chapter the same day...before the exam (crazy) Anyway, good luck with whatever you do!!!

Specializes in OR.
Would taking chem in a 6 week winter session be a Bad Idea? I'm going to do that and Psych, most likely, but I know really nothing about how stressful/not taking it in 6 weeks would be. Any opinions?

This'd be my first college science course-- it's my second semester but I'm not originally a nursing major. I'd really rather do A&P, I think, but all those spots are filled.


Looks like I am in the minority here, but I would say it IS doable. I did it in a 5 week course. Not only was it my first college level science course, it was also my first science course since 1987! I finished with an A.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

If you study a lot, its totally doable. I dont know if your psych class is easy or not, but I'm taking one this semester and its a total breeze. Over the summer I took Chem and I studied a lot, and I got an A. I was also taking it with English, and last summer was my first summer ever in college. You can do it, just study a lot!

Oh btw, mine was an 8 week class =)

Oh, and just like you, I don't have a job or anything, and I live with my parents, so if your only job right now is to go to school, you can definitely do Chem in 6 weeks =)

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