Topics About 'School Nursing'.

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Found 16 results

  1. School nurses are often thought just to be ice pack and band-aid providers, but what people do not realize is the important role they can play in maintaining the health of children. Type 1 diabetes is globally on the rise in the pediatric population....
  2. ADHD: Is It Overdiagnosed?

    ADHD Most Common Neurodevelopmental Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is now hailed as one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that up to 5% of children/adole...
  3. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM). It was established in 1983 to raise awareness and to help prevent abuse among our littlest. I must admit ... I grew up and lived in rural West Tennessee most of my life, and until I worked withi...
  4. Teen Pregnancies: Crisis in Schools

    Public health nurses' roles are changing. Young pregnant girls attending schools will need advocates. School nurses and counselors will need up-to-date information and resources. We will see an immediate increase in teen pregnancies in schools ...
  5. fetch

    Running the Spring Marathon

    I used to work at a theme park, and the 2 weeks around spring break were unofficially known as "marathon" because we went from weekends only to daily operation. But since most of the high schoolers only have one week off, and a lot of summer people h...
  6. School Nurse Salary?

    Please state your state and salary as a school nurse. Thank you! Not sure
  7. Kittery

    What School Nurses REALLY Do?

    In response to this comment from a previous thread: Give out Bandaids and ice packs, that's it. Just kidding! Although that's what the majority of the general public thinks we do. What school nurses do varies from school to school, depen...
  8. Halfway through my first year as an elementary school nurse, after the newness and excitement of having my own office started to wane, I found myself complaining to the Health Services supervisor of the district about the regular and multiple extra v...
  9. Is school nursing stressful?

    I am thinking about school nursing and was wondering if you would consider it 'stressful' on a daily basis ( besides medical emergencies)? I have 12 years varied experience and the last two jobs have been very stressful ( doctors rushing to get pt to...
  10. NutmeggeRN

    The rules apply...until they don't...

    Over the past number years, I have encountered an increasing flaunting of policy and rules, both by kids and parents. What changes in school district policy when they move from middle school to high school? Nothing. In my world. In theirs, lots of th...
  11. OVER IT.

    I’ve been a school nurse for 2 years. Was previously doing MedSurg and always swore I’d never go back. But now I’m considering going back. School nursing is becoming a nightmare for me. Covid SUCKS, parents are freaking jerks, my principal is the wor...
  12. tnbutterfly - Mary

    School Nursing

    Nurses began working in schools in the 1800s to identify and quarantine people with communicable diseases. Now, their main responsibility is to provide nursing care and health counseling to students with increasingly complex medical conditions and ch...
  13. Nurses Are on the Virus Front Lines. But Many Schools Don't Have One. Does your school have a School Nurse? If you are employed as a School Nurse, what are your immediate concerns?
  14. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see a child that states that she has abdominal pain. As an elementary school nurse, this can pose quite the challenge at times. Students come from a variety of backgrounds, educational and developmental s...
  15. Back to the Hospital?

    Hi. I worked in Labor and Delivery for 3 years and I love every aspect of it except the crazy hospital hours. Benefits were good, I had a 401K, I had life insurance, I was part of a union, I had malpractice insurance, I loved my job, I had all certif...
  16. What is School Nursing in 2022?

    The perception of school nursing, even within the nursing community, is of a retired older nurse passing out ice packs and bandaids and maybe reading magazines during down time. Truthfully, there are a lot of ice packs passed out, yet the breadth of ...