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Found 32 results

  1. Hey guys, I have a question for anyone else who is a fellow "non-vaccinator" or against mandatory vaccination. What did you do for nursing school, particularly clinical locations immunization requirements? After a lot of research, I've found that whi...
  2. Dear Students, Wondering if you are still able to do clinicals during this time, and if not, is this delaying your graduations? Best of luck to all of you. It's a strange time to be entering medicine. Or to be in it at all!
  3. Hello! I am seeking advice on what to do. I was previously dismissed from a nursing program due to not passing a course twice. Although there are specific life events that made this time difficult, I do not like being the kind of person to make excus...
  4. I'm an FNP and I want to share some advice that I assumed was obvious, but apparently is not. I started precepting students this fall and I had four over the semester. Two were rock stars - one is just graduating and I recommended her for a job with ...
  5. Passed NCLEX 2nd Time With 75Q!

    Preparation for First Attempt of NCLEX My school used Kaplan and let me tell you, I SUCKED at Kaplan. I hated it. I thought their questions were so stupid and it just never made sense to me LOL. I didn't even bother to practice Kaplan questions b...
  6. Hello! I am a current nursing student in an ABSN program and will graduate in June of 2021. I decided at 27 to make a career change and I could not be happier with my decision. I am about to turn 29 and my husband is 33 and we are eager to start a f...
  7. I have passed all my Nursing classes at my community College on December 2019, but I was denied receiving my Nursing associate diploma because I did not pass my Exit HESI exam. The Exit HESI passing score was 850, my score was 784. At first, I was ...
  8. Hello, I was a nursing student at a community college recently. While attending school I also worked at a major hospital. I burned some bridges and now moving on to a different school. A school that uses my former employer for clinical sites. I'm lo...
  9. Nursing school is hard enough, but I have lost almost every “friend” during nursing school. It started with them making plans and excluding me. Then when I would get invited and they’d make me feel left out. We are all adults but it feels so crappy t...
  10. Taking anatomy and physiology and Microbiology was somewhat of a cardinal sin in my community college. Regardless of the warnings from professors and counselors, I enrolled in AP1 (which I retook) and Microbiology (entirely new to me at the time) dur...
  11. Dismissed from CRNA School

    Good evening, I was recently dismissed from a CRNA DNP program after three semesters. I had no issues as far as the program, instructors, or otherwise. I was dismissed after failing a 1-hour course. I made all As up until this point. As this wasn'...
  12. Hello Everyone, I had just failed my Med-Surg/Adult Health 1 class and am being held back for the next couple of months until I join the next cohort who'll be taking the class and finishing off my program with them. I know the material well enough bu...
  13. ADN vs

    Hello. I’m a senior in high school and I’m having trouble deciding between getting an ASN (ADN) or a BSN first. I always thought that getting an ASN is better because I can work early and it cost less but after looking at the requirements, I realized...
  14. So my nursing school just went fully online for the rest of the semester, cancelling all clinicals and replacing them with "online sims" amid this COVID-19 crisis. I'm very disappointed that we will not be able to continue with clinicals as I was not...
  15. I feel so, so stupid right now. The optimist in me said this entire time that I can handle an occasional bout of violence from a patient. But how would I even know that if I've never been assaulted in any way in my entire life? I am really upset at t...
  16. Passed the AANP-FNP Exam March 16th

    I just passed the AANP on my first attempt on the 16th. I have been creeping on the message boards during my study time for advice and reassurance, so it's only right that I contribute. I was absolutely floored at how easy boards were. The quest...
  17. I took the AANP certification and passed. I know if you are a FNP©, you are probably pretty worried about testing, too. Naturally, you've spent much time preparing and are ready to start your career! I know before I tested, I also browsed through the...
  18. So I just got invited and joined Sigma Theta Tau International. I don't get what the difference is for each chapters. I got invitation from Phi Pi Chapter from Chamberlain College of Nursing. I hate fraternity/sorority system so I don't really know w...
  19. Academic integrity, or cheating, is any act or behavior that gives a student an unfair advantage for the sake of improving academic performance. Cheating is not new in colleges and continues to be a problem in nursing programs. Previous surveys of en...
  20. I took the TEAS! Study Tips

    Hey everyone! I took the TEAS 3 days ago. I scored a 78 (advanced) which for some may not be great, but the programs I am applying for require proficient or higher so I am psyched! I remember searching frantically through this website just to get som...
  21. Student Loans and managing expenses

    Hi all- I am soon to be starting nursing school. My situation is that I am a single mom to a 3 year old who needs full time child care during the duration of my 2 year program which costs a whopping $1500/mo. in my area. I also need loans to cover my...
  22. _Cecilia_

    NCLEX Tips: Passed

    STUDY METHODFirst and foremost, instead of studying random questions each day, I divided the topics and studied each of them for a certain amount of time. They are as follows: Adult Health: 3 weeksPediatrics: 1 weekMaternity: 1 weekPharmacology: 4 da...
  23. It's almost three weeks past my graduation from nursing school, and I'm still fielding questions as to why I can't come out and play. Yes, I'm still studying. No, I can't tell you when my NCLEX is; I've heard it's bad luck. I swear, that's just what ...
  24. I'm a mom of 3 kids, and was in the middle of my nursing program when I had some extreme babysitter issues and could not keep attending classes. It's been a couple years and I think we are in a better spot for me to try again but I'll have to reapply...
  25. Hi everyone, I have been reading posts and things about students failing nursing school. Very few I have noticed win appeals or have a leg to stand on when they don’t take accountability for their own failures as well. I failed my clinical portion o...