Topics About 'Cnm'.

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Found 8 results

  1. If you are passionate about providing complete care during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, consider becoming a certified nurse midwife (CNM). To provide readers with all the information to decide if this career is right for them, we've c...
  2. Hopefully, someone can help me with this situation :). I want to get my DNP in either FNP/CNM or WHNP/CNM. Well the end goal is to have my DNP with the specialties of FNP/CNM or WHNP/CNM. The issue I have is a lot of the programs I researched are ask...
  3. Midwifery CNM Programs

    I've been a PCU/Step-down nurse for almost 4 years and I've always been interested in Midwifery. I applied late to Frontier's Spring 2023 class and was rejected. I'm looking into applying to University of Cincinnati CNM, Bethel University's CNM or tr...
  4. I am looking into a career as a CNM. I am an RN with experience in med/surg, operating room and now as an nurse educator for the operating room. My desire to explore this career field comes from my personal experiences. I have four pregnancy, first w...
  5.'ve decided to advance your education and obtain a masters degree in nursing (MSN) or a terminal doctoral degree. Which route will you travel? What is your ultimate goal? Where do you see your nursing career in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? ...
  6. Frontier Nursing University

    Addressing the Growing Need for Certified Nurse-Midwives

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nurses and midwives represent more than 50 percent of the current shortage of healthcare workers. In fact, WHO estimates that an additional nine million nurses and midwives will be needed globally by ...
  7. Stony Brook CNM Program

    I've applied for Stony Brook's CNM program for 2020. Just started this post to see if there was anyone else here applying.
  8. sirI

    Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM)

    Certified nurse-midwives (CNM) are educated in the two disciplines of nursing and midwifery. They provide primary healthcare to women of childbearing age including: prenatal care, labor and delivery care, care after birth, gynecological exams, newbor...