Topics About 'CDC'.

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Found 10 results

  1. Sick but negative

    I work at a facility with positive COVID-19 cases. I was screened at the facility when the outbreak began, and was negative. A few days later, I got a low-grade fever, chills and body aches. I got tested again - negative. Stayed out until I had b...
  2. CDC update of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. as of May 25, 2020 (Compared to yesterday's data) This is so surreal. Entirety: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Cases in the U.S.
  3. Discussion about use of Valved Masks

    Valved masks work very well at reducing moisture and heat inside the mask and does help to reduce glass fogging. However, they are essentially a 3/4" HOLE where exhalation occurs. This, in effect concentrates the outflow of breath without any filtr...
  4. Dr Georgianna Donadio

    Harming Ourselves and the Planet?

    CDC StatisticsAccording to the CDC’S National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 6 in 10 American adults currently suffer from a chronic disease, while a further 4 in 10 have multiple chronic conditions. Furthermore, the trea...
  5. Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass CDC with coronavirus data
  6. CNN: 7/24/20 Covid-19 can be a prolonged illness, even for young adults, CDC report says
  7. Raleigh News and Observer 6/25/20 There could be 10 hidden Coronavirus cases for every reported one, CDC director says
  8. Horrible! I can't imagine nor relate to this. I've only seen rats swarming looking for food in the movies and on TV. Do you have this problem where you are located? How bad is it? Read in its entirety: Rats are getting aggressive hunting for food ami...
  9. J.Adderton

    Are Sanitized N95 Masks Safe for Reuse?

    The unprecedented shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) is an unsafe burden placed on healthcare workers. To protect ourselves against the highly contagious coronavirus, N95 masks are essential in stopping the virus droplets from entering ...
  10. CDC Director Outlines Next Steps in the War on COVID-19WebMD August 12, 2020 2 WebMD Chief Medical Officer John Whyte talks with CDC Director Robert Redfield about what we might expect from COVID for the rest of the year as the creation of an effec...