Suppose to take NCLEX next monday Do you think I am ready?


Ok guys, I don't know. I am doing the Suanders Review CD and everytime I take an exam or review of 100 total questions EVERY single time without fail I get 59-60 of them right. So I am thinking I am way not ready for this exam? Did anyone do this review or familar with it? Because I don't know if I should push it up more or go in there and take it? Help!! Any suggestions?

If you do not feel comfortable, then delay your test. How many questions have you actually completed? You should have at least 3000 to 4000 done before sitting for the exam.

I used Mosby's review and was worried. I found the actual exam easier. If you've worked for any length of time since graduating, you should do fine.

We used to joke if "wash your hands" was on the list of responses, it was the right response.

Good Luck. You are retaining more info than you give yourself credit for.

Oh how scarey it is to go take the exam, I can remember as if it was yesterday, and TRUST me, it has been many a years since I have taken the test, I think you are "over" thinking, go take it, heck the WORST that could happen is you don't pass, so, then you go take it again, I am sure you will do fine

good luck and let us know!


I have to tell ya that I have been working as a CNA since graduation because that is all the local hospital could do for me until I pass. NO complaints its a paycheck for this single mom. And looking forward to the pay increase when I pass. But what I really wanted to say is that when we took the CAT one at the end of college, I think that is what it was called or the "mock" NCLEX I did pretty good and I remember saying Wow if the NCLEX is like that, I am not worried. I thought maybe our teachers had made everything very hard for us all year, so the NCLEX would seem easier. Did anyone else do that? Do you guys think the CAT or "mock" NCLEX is like the real one at all?

I have to tell ya that I have been working as a CNA since graduation because that is all the local hospital could do for me until I pass. NO complaints its a paycheck for this single mom. And looking forward to the pay increase when I pass. But what I really wanted to say is that when we took the CAT one at the end of college, I think that is what it was called or the "mock" NCLEX I did pretty good and I remember saying Wow if the NCLEX is like that, I am not worried. I thought maybe our teachers had made everything very hard for us all year, so the NCLEX would seem easier. Did anyone else do that? Do you guys think the CAT or "mock" NCLEX is like the real one at all?

I don't know, but my scenario is almost exactly the same as yours, except I haven't worked as a CNA. I don't think I'll pass, at least not the first time. I'm enrolled in the Kaplan online question series, and have about a 61% average so far. Let us know how you do on your state boards. The important thing to me so far with these practice questions is to carefully read everything, twice at least, very carefully. That's my own MO. What p's me off the most is the way the math calculations are worded...different than what I had studied so many million times. I'm also listening to the audio series. Still, nothing beats your experience as an assistant. Good luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Peds, LDRP.


from another newflgrad, I hope u passed!

I am using saunders for review and I just found out what made a difference for me. I was scoring about the same, but I dont think I was really concentrating. I was skimming the questions, etc. and was doing them while watching TV, talking on the phone, surfing the web, etc. Last night I actually took my time and really read each question and answer without rushing or being distracted and my score jumped from barely 60 to low 70's. not bad for one day! Anyway Im gonna do that from now on and see how it goes. Im shooting for getting high 70's low 80's.

Im also taking a review class thats 5 days long (this weekend and next weekend) and I hope that helps me a lot.The instructor uses Saunders too...I have done about 1500 questions so far between a Mosby cd someone loaned me and saunders. By the time I get through the class I should have well over 3000 (Ive only done maybe 200-300 from Saunders and there are 3000 on the cd)

I still havent gotten my seating pass so Im assuming it will a few weeks before I test. I only just now got the letter from Pearson saying they got my application.

Im very anxious about the boards and will be glad when its over!

Luv4Nursing, I passed, I found out 2 days ago. And I think what helped me was as I was doing Saunders, in a quiet room no distractions and when I got one wrong READ THE RATIONALE of Why you got it wrong. That is how I learned. Strange enough if I got them wrong I think I learned more because I was always reading about the diesease and process of why I got it wrong. I also went and bought ExamCram Force book with CD and that helped ALOT also. It had questions I never had before so It made me think of other things that I may not have been studying. And in that book it says you should at least make a 77% on there test before attempting the NCLEX. Well the first two times I made a 44 and 50 and that was after I was doing Saunders review. Well right before the test, the night before actually, I scored like 85 and 90% and that was doing 2 days of all day and all night studying with only lunch and dinner breaks. Well, It worked whatever I was doing becuase I passed! Good Luck to you!


from another newflgrad, I hope u passed!

I am using saunders for review and I just found out what made a difference for me. I was scoring about the same, but I dont think I was really concentrating. I was skimming the questions, etc. and was doing them while watching TV, talking on the phone, surfing the web, etc. Last night I actually took my time and really read each question and answer without rushing or being distracted and my score jumped from barely 60 to low 70's. not bad for one day! Anyway Im gonna do that from now on and see how it goes. Im shooting for getting high 70's low 80's.

Im also taking a review class thats 5 days long (this weekend and next weekend) and I hope that helps me a lot.The instructor uses Saunders too...I have done about 1500 questions so far between a Mosby cd someone loaned me and saunders. By the time I get through the class I should have well over 3000 (Ive only done maybe 200-300 from Saunders and there are 3000 on the cd)

I still havent gotten my seating pass so Im assuming it will a few weeks before I test. I only just now got the letter from Pearson saying they got my application.

Im very anxious about the boards and will be glad when its over!

I don't think anybody ever feels ready. It is a life changing exam. Not only go through the CDs but read to justifications whether you got it right or not. And remember your ABC's airway breathing circulation

Just wanted to say congratulations!!!! :balloons:


Luv4Nursing, I passed, I found out 2 days ago. And I think what helped me was as I was doing Saunders, in a quiet room no distractions and when I got one wrong READ THE RATIONALE of Why you got it wrong. That is how I learned. Strange enough if I got them wrong I think I learned more because I was always reading about the diesease and process of why I got it wrong. I also went and bought ExamCram Force book with CD and that helped ALOT also. It had questions I never had before so It made me think of other things that I may not have been studying. And in that book it says you should at least make a 77% on there test before attempting the NCLEX. Well the first two times I made a 44 and 50 and that was after I was doing Saunders review. Well right before the test, the night before actually, I scored like 85 and 90% and that was doing 2 days of all day and all night studying with only lunch and dinner breaks. Well, It worked whatever I was doing becuase I passed! Good Luck to you!

I just want to say........Thank you so much everyone for your posts. I am suppose to take the NCLEX tomorrow morning and have been reading some of these posts to decrease some anxiety. I keep wanting to get out my books and study...but stop myself. I too, have been getting 60-70% on the Saunders practice exams, and this was very discouraging to me until I read several of the posts here. To me, the Lippincott's review seems a lot easier than Saunder's. Does anyone else feel the same way? I hope the NCLEX test is more like the Lippincott's than Saunders. :uhoh3:

More like Saunders. But if you have the exam tomorrow, you should be relaxing today and not thinking of anything.:)

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