SUNY-Downstate summer '09--Introduce yourselves please!

Nursing Students General Students


From the pre-nursing board there were a number of us waiting to hear from Downstate, and by now quite a few have been accepted!

So please, introduce yourselves here in the Nursing Student forum, and let's continue the discussion as we prepare to start classes in 3 months.

Where are you holding so far? Medical clearance, CPR, supplies, figuring out your finances and schedules for the next year... let's discuss!

I'm excited and looking forward to meeting everyone....

Im very nervous and excited too. I quit my job as a social worker in a hospital. Tomorrow is my last day and it is so strange to not have to go to my job that I have been doing for about 7 years. My hours were 6am to 2pm in which I loved so everything is going to be such a big change but I think it will be worth it. I have fears about not liking nursing or just being so stressed out from school and taking it out on my family.

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.
I have fears about not liking nursing or just being so stressed out from school and taking it out on my family.

I have the identical fears!

Super excited!

I can't beleive the time had passed so fast, it seems that just yetserday we were happy to receive our acceptance letters!

See everyone on Monday.

Don't forget to bring in your IDs!

i have the identical fears!

well, after reading many postings on this site it seems that there are two types of people: the ones who whine and complain about how hard nursing school is and how much time it takes away from them and their family. the second type is the people who say "hey, it's not as hard as they all tell you, it's not a walk in the park but it's doable!"

i am setting my mind on being the second type.

another good pointer i got on allnurses is to organize your time as much as you can, so you have time set to study and time left for your loved ones. keeping up with your regular exercise routine or picking up a new meditation technique will certainly help with the stress!

it is a fast program, we will be done before you know it!

and what if... you won't like nursing, it is still worth it to invest in your future and get that diploma. there are so many directions you can take as a nurse, the possibilities are endless.

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Thanks, Lena, good way to keep things in perspective. I have a feeling that we're all going to be lucky to have you as a classmate!

Hey Lena.

I agree with you. I hope I didnt sound like I was complaining. I am very happy and thankful to even be accepted into this program. I just wanted to share my fears but my motivation will go beyond all my fear.

No, no it did not sound like you were complaining at all! I was thinking the same things you're thinking, I also had to leave a great job to study full time. I am going to miss those people a lot, and it's pretty scary to dive into something unknown... But hey, we'll be in it together, right? Hopefully we will help each other to stay sane and stay on track. Can't wait to meet everyone and start the program!

Hello everyone! The syllabus for Health Promotion Class is out. Check your prime course.

What are the prerequisite courses are used to calculate the GPA for admission to the accelerated BSN program at SUNY-Downstate? Are they pre nursing courses only or also my GPA from my previous BS degree?

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.
What are the prerequisite courses are used to calculate the GPA for admission to the accelerated BSN program at SUNY-Downstate? Are they pre nursing courses only or also my GPA from my previous BS degree?
They consider your whole admissions package, not just your GPA. Things like volunteer/healthcare experience and letters of recommendation can count a lot. Of course, you want to keep your GPA as high as possible, but it's not the only thing they look at. The science pre-req GPA's count for more than the general GPA, as far as I recall from the student open house.
Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.
Hello everyone! The syllabus for Health Promotion Class is out. Check your prime course.

I'm getting an "access denied" when I try to open files on Prime, even though I had no trouble logging in. Have you been able to open the files?

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