Just curious as to what everyone is taking. I am pretty much done with my prereqs-did all my science classes (except Chem) in one year with a 3.2 science GPA! I am trying to start nursing school in the spring (I still have to apply) and the only classes I need is Chem I and Ethics. So all the other classes are just ones I thought looked interesting.
Chem I at a college in my hometown (not my usual school)
volunteering at the hospital
working (need to find a job)
maybe volunteering at a disabled children's center
finishing an online class I need for nursing school
planning my wedding (its in January, but I am doing everything this summer since I am not in town where the wedding will be held in the Fall)
Ethics (required)
Issues in Parenting (a 400 level class)
Developmental Psychopathology (a.k.a. abnormal child psych) (a 500 level)
Aerobic Kickboxing (hi-ya!!!)
physiology lab (for now-I might drop it sense i don't need it for the school I am applying for in the Spring) (I took Anatomy and Phys. seperately-only Anatomy lab is required)
volunteering at the hospital
planning the rest of my wedding