Such a DUMB thing to get so upset about!! (rant)


Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

So, I work on a small Med Surge unit.

We get all of our meds from an Accudose.

On Sunday nights, we have to count all of the narcotics in

the Accudose. Generally, one person will count the pills

and syringes, the other person will witness and maybe

put all of the numbers into the little computer screen.

When I do the pill counting, I constantly cause "cabinet

errors", meaning I didn't get the little cabinets closed

properly. When this happens, the whole narcotic

count basically shuts down and has to be done all

over again. These errors are caused by there being

too many pills or syringes stuffed into one drawer.

I often have to restart my count 3,4 times. I'm the

ONLY person who seems to be having this problem.

It makes me SO frustrated and angry!

I'm at the point where I'm about to refuse to count

any more... but I hate to make my coworker do the

counting because she is very short and it's harder on

her physically; the accudose is kinda tall, some of the

med drawers are harder for her to reach.

I have emailed the pharmacist about maybe reducing

the narcotic count by taking out meds that we don't

use often. We are such a small unit and it's ridiculous

to have that many meds in there anyway. We'll see

how that goes over.

Specializes in kids.

Narcs are only counted 1 x weekly? I have no idea how Accudose works.

Make a deal with the short nurse, coffee or cookies or something else she likes, and get one of those little step stools for her to use.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I hated using the accudose machine, it's what Duke uses and I had gotten so used to Pyxsis it kept throwing me off because it does it's stuff opposite of what I was used too. I am with Caliotter. Bargain with the other nurse.

Specializes in Pedi.
Narcs are only counted 1 x weekly? I have no idea how Accudose works.

When I worked in the hospital, we only did Inventory of the controlled substances once/week. Every time you pulled one, you did have to count that specific drug.

Specializes in critical care, med/surg.


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