Stupid Things that get you kicked out of nursing school

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During my first semester one of my peers was kicked out for not passing a calculations test. She already was working in home health and a high A on all of her test and did great in clinical. The only thing she failed was a single calculations test which was the first calculations test we ever took. Come to find out prior semester students were allowed to retake the test and get tutoring by instructors. She just needed a little help with the math but instead they failed her at the very end of the semester after she had done all the work for funds! I really felt quite bad for her, she would have had a better grade than I did! :crying2:

Second semester, One of my fellow peers who had been a bad teen was kicked out for have a criminal record as a minor. Instead of telling him they werent going to let him go to clinicals and pass meds they let him get all the way through fundamentals and then in adult one said sorry your out of the program. An he talked to the nursing dean about his record before entering the program and she had no problems!:angryfire

Specializes in Operating Room.

I can definitely see the reasoning, but the thought of being tested puts so many people at an unnatural thought.

One could do everything right on the floor, but totally bomb a test.

Hopefully I am worrying about it for no reason! :eek:

I havent seen her at school lately however when she failed out she told me she was going to go again but was being put back another year on a waiting list with all the other new nursing students waiting to get in. I think shes taking classes for her bsn while she waits.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

You know I was all freaked out about it for each one. But I hit that dosage testing book, did them again and again. But I did find that as my semesters progressed the tests became harder. The latest was:

Ordered: IV drip, Dobutamine at 5mcg/kg/min, per infusion pump. Patient weighs 143lbs.

Available: Dobutamine 400mg in 250cc D5W. At what rate would you set the IV pump.

This made my head spin, until I finally blew out the cobwebs and thought logically. :selfbonk: :smackingf

You know I was all freaked out about it for each one. But I hit that dosage testing book, did them again and again. But I did find that as my semesters progressed the tests became harder. The latest was:

Ordered: IV drip, Dobutamine at 5mcg/kg/min, per infusion pump. Patient weighs 143lbs.

Available: Dobutamine 400mg in 250cc D5W. At what rate would you set the IV pump.

This made my head spin, until I finally blew out the cobwebs and thought logically. :selfbonk: :smackingf

my first test is on wensday if I dont pass I fail, some of the math is new to us, most of the math looks the same as the question you just gave, but what REALLY MAKES ME ANGRY is that i asked the teacher what the new math was and she said will be learning it right before the test on wensday! :banghead: Before they gave us time to study, this will be my first math test like this one. I also have to pass newborn assessment on moday or im out, these tests are back to back! Im so busy doing the newborn assessment i havent even looked at the math yet. Well at least if I fail out now i will not waste my time doing the entire semester and then failing a math test at the end like my friend. I feel like a boxer, everytime I dodge a punch another is thrown at me, just waiting for one to land. This website helps me relieve stress, I read the forums and realize everyone has hard days/weeks/semesters, makes me feel better, like im not alone.:biere:

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

You are definitly not alone. Nursing school it rough. I got a small taste of what it was like when I was in LPN school, through a community college, but nothing compared to this program.

We are all here to help each other!

We will all get through it eventually, so that we can party! :cheers:

Ok, I could understand the second instance somewhat. You should never keep your criminal record a secret becuase the consequences can get ugly. I feel bad for him though. :o


That sad part is she said he didn't keep it a secret~!

My school has a nice approach to med tests. We get to take it three times. If we don't pass the third time, they tutor each student individually and let them take it a fourth time. Basically, they will work with you until you learn it. They said after the post-tutor failure, they might start to talk with you about if nursing is a good fit.

My school has a good policy also. We only have one math test and we have to get 100% also but we can retake it as many times as we need in order to pass it. Thank goodness!! I don't agree with that policy to get kicked out. This is new types of math problems to us, of course we might get one wrong. Does your teacher actually teach the you the math problems? We just receive the math book and teach ourselves. When we have completed our chapters the teacher just marks off that we did it. Of course if we need help she will help us.

Having one shot--and one shot only--to get 100% on any test is a bit severe in my opinion. I can whole-heartedly agree that dosages are important enough to warrant a 100% correct rate for passing the test; however, I can also say, in all honesty, that I would feel completely safe having a nurse care for me even if I knew she had to retake the test once or twice to get that 100%.

So what if she had to study hard and actually work to learn how to consistently perform dosage calculations? She still mastered it! And personally I find that the skills that I have to struggle to learn are often the ones that I recall the best.

On a side note, I recently took my primary BLS certification course. We were allowed to miss 4 out of 25 questions to pass. How is it okay to pass a CPR course--which centers on highly stressful, life and death healthcare--with an 84% and at the same time need a 100% on a dosage test? Okay, maybe that analogy is not perfect ;) but the disparity in requirements still doesn't make sense to me.

Specializes in Operating Room.
And personally I find that the skills that I have to struggle to learn are often the ones that I recall the best.

My thoughts as well!

I think the reason my school is so difficult is their trying to set new standards for the nursing students. The schools pass rate for the NCLEX has become low from the past year. Because of this we have to pass every math exam with 100% or we fail with one attempt. We also have to make a 75% or above on the final or you fail. This brand new this semester, and I think its totally unfair but we complained to the dean who says shes just trying to get NCLEX pass rates up(she also told us we were like the only school in the state who didnt have this policy, which was a lie). I think the reason students are failing has more to do with bad teaching than students not studying the material. It seems like unless your a genius at my school you really have to fight for your seat in the nursing program. Each semester it gets worse. An from what I hear, My class is the test run, if our class has good NCLEX pass rates they will keep the rules they made for my class. But if we all fail out and no one passes the NCLEX, they will probally go back to the old rules of not having to pass the final and getting multiple trys on math tests.:banghead:

started with like over 100 students, now we are down to around 40 students.

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