studying and work


how did you guys balance studying and working full time? this seems to be a problem with me...when i come home all i want to do is put my feet up and eat my dinner...

thanks for you time.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

What about studying before work? Or schedule some time in the evenings for yourself. Give yourself time to come home, prep and eat dinner, put your feet up for 30 minutes, then get cracking for a couple of hours.

I try to do 50-75 questions on work days (after a 12 hr shift)

If I am off I do more like 150. This includes reviewing rationales afterwards.

I am also working full time in ER. I bought Saunders Q&A in Kindle, read Qs and Answers them on-the-go. Right now, I am still deciding on what to use as my full resource for reviewing,

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I worked full time and allocated 2 hours every evening in which my husband did everything and made sure I wasn't disturbed and 4 hours each day I wasn't working.

sounds great thanks for the comment

What about studying before work? Or schedule some time in the evenings for yourself. Give yourself time to come home, prep and eat dinner, put your feet up for 30 minutes, then get cracking for a couple of hours.

great idea

taking advantage of those off days is a must, thanks for the comment and help

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