Study skills and study tips needed

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I find it so hard to concentrate on this material! Im so easily distracted. If Im at home typing notes on the computer, I will always 'check' some website that is totally unrelated to school. If Im just reading or going over notes or listening to tapes of class, I find that Im thinking about 20 different things at once. I cant retain a lot of the information, or it just doesnt absorb at all. I have gone to the library and starbucks, and that keeps me from doing laundry or reading mail, but it doesnt address the fact that a lot of this stuff isnt sinking in and Im day dreaming while Im reading and I have to go back and read it over and over! Right now in A & P we are studying the neural tissue and spinal cord and nerves and muscle tissue and muscular system, we have a test this week on these four chapters and im going nucking futs!!!! Any suggestions on how to buckle down and become a focused studyier (sp?) would be great! :bugeyes: :bugeyes:

How will I ever get through this!?

I have had the same problems and what I had to do is pretend that I was "explaining" to someone else how the body works, or grab up my son or other family member and explain to them. This works for me. When it came time to learn new procedures, When I am home, I gather stuff together and perform the procedure on stuffed animals since I don't have one of those dolls they use in class. To learn how to do injections more efficiently, I got an orange or other piece of fruit and would inject it with sterile water and just kept refilling the bottles with tap until I felt comfortable enough with it. you can also make up "stories" that will help you remember like the one I have for depolarization/ repolarization. It goes like this: potassium are people at a party In a house. a stimulus was released into the air and all of the potassium people ran out and the Sodium soldiers rushed in (depolarization). Once the stimulus was cleared out the soduim soldiers went out and the potassium people came back in (repolarization). Don't know if these examples/ideas helped, but good luck and try different things to see what works best for you.

) Welcome to the ALL NURSES FORUM. :)

Thank you for these notes, they may positively help.. and seem to be the answers to my study schedule questions that I have been trying to think of and/or find by reading the posts.

I would like to find more of these post on classes, what to expect, and study help advice.

A returning student,:Melody:


Specializes in LTC.

I tend to lock myself in the school library when I have trouble studying. It sounds like you need a quiet environment with no distractions in order to study. I use to find this time by purposely scheduling classes maybe an hour apart, or getting to school early. This worked well. Sometimes I would force myself to stay at school after classes, but no one ever wants to do that.

Otherwise when I am typing up notes or studying, my internet is disconnected so I can't get distracted by websites (like allnurses) that I just NEED to go too.

I also use a notecard program on the computer for flashcards for pharm i find it easier to use.

I'm curious what program this is. I use a simular technique, but I use powerpoint.

I totally agree with "cherish" about the study area. I do my studying in my bedroom with the door shut and I do take breaks because my little pea brain can only take in so much info at a time. I also start a few days prior to a test and DO NOT try to do the overnight cram which does work for some people but not me.

I also read one time that you should make ONE place in your home your study area and stick with it. I found that when I studied in my room, I knew what I was there to do. When I went downstairs and tried, it just didn't work..I think because I had to get used to a new place to study. So if you study at the library or something maybe it should be in the same area. Not sure how you can get anything studied at Starbucks like you mentioned. I think I would be distracted from the time I sat down.


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
thank you for these notes they may positively help.. and seem to be the answers to my study schedule questions that i have been trying to think of and/or find by reading the posts. . .i would like to find more of these post on classes, what to expect, and study help advice.[/quote']

try reading the information in these links: - click on the link at the left side of the page for "study tips" advice from a microbiology professor - again, click on the link at the left side of the page for "survival tips" advice from and a&p instructor

I have a question? I had to withdraw out of my program because my grades were too low. On the second level, the instructor says that she test us on material in the textbook that as a nurse we should know. so basically as a nurse what would we do? I am not a good studier and I have read your post (thank you) but my learning style is repetition. and it seem as if when I get to test time, I mix all the disease processes up, any suggestions?

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