Study Group Question - Do you think you know it?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I was having this discussion with a friend, but we later agree to to these. Hope this will benefit all nurses student still in school or awaiting to take NCLEX. Is more or less like a study :rckn:group. If you think you have any question you can thread and pple will respond with answer. Just thread in question with no answer to see what you have learn so far.


Absence of bubbling in the water seal compartment indicate what?:thnkg:

What helps liquefy secretion?:thnkg:

Fluids and humudified 02...

neuro checks....

what vital sign is the most to be monitored closely after administering nitroglycerine?:thnkg:
heart rate or bp
what is the Most common reason while the elderly patient sustain hip fracture?:wink2:

A fall


scissors, occlusive petroleum dressing and sterile sale???

What does elevated MATERNAL SERUM ALPHA FETO-PROTEIN INDICATE? neural tube defect


downs syndrome
Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

A pt informed the nurse that the food served is poisonous and refuse to to eat all food served. The pt is suffering from which delusion

1- delusion of reference

2- delusion of persecution

3- delusion of grandiosity

4- delusion of inference

A nurse found a pt with DM difficult to be arouse. An the nurse notice the pt skin is cool and clammy with elevated pulse. what will be the first action the nurse should take

1- give the pt a glass of orange juice

2- prepare the pt IV to calm down the skin

3- check the pt blood sugar

4- notify the physician

A pt who have high cholesterol is advised to reduce fat intake. what food should the pt choose from

1- baked pork

2- baked chicken

3- baked turkey

4- baked lamb

A pt with bulimia nervosa is asked question regarding his nutrition. what will be the first information the nurse should ask the pt

1- lack of contol

2- family relationship

3- eating and food preference.

4- previous and present coping skill

The wife of a pt who sustain eye injury call the ER and told the nurse that a blackboard hit the husband when doing house work in the backyard. The nurse should advice the pt wife to immediately

1- transport the pt to the ER immediately

2- irrigate the eye with cool water

3- apply ice to the affected area

4- call for ambulance to tranport the pt to ER

RSV mode of transmission is ___________________

A nurse is preparing to assist the physician to perform liver biopsy. what is the best position to place the pt for the procedure

1- right side

2- prone

3- supine with right hand under the head

4- right sims

what will be the best place to check a pt skin turgor

1- sacral area

2- top of the foot

3- sternal area

4- back of the hand

A pt who is prescribed Zantac,is advice to take the medication once daily at

1- just prior to eating

2- before lunch

3- at bedtime

4- before breakfast

A pt c/o chest pain and the physician suspect MI and was place on nitroglycerin. After 20 min pt still c/o of chest pain. what will be the best action the nurse should take before administering the next dose of the medication if the pt pain is not relieved

1- ask the pt to deep breath

2- ask the pt to ambulate if the symptoms worsen, then the pt should stop any activity

3- check the pt blood pressure

4- place the pt in a semi fowler position.

Specializes in HIV/AIDS, PSYCH.

a pt informed the nurse that the food served is poisonous and refuse to to eat all food served. the pt is suffering from which delusion

1- delusion of reference

2- delusion of persecution

3- delusion of grandiosity

4- delusion of inference

a nurse found a pt with dm difficult to be arouse. an the nurse notice the pt skin is cool and clammy with elevated pulse. what will be the first action the nurse should take

1- give the pt a glass of orange juice

2- prepare the pt iv to calm down the skin

3- check the pt blood sugar

4- notify the physician

a pt who have high cholesterol is advised to reduce fat intake. what food should the pt choose from

1- baked pork

2- baked chicken

3- baked turkey

4- baked lamb

a pt with bulimia nervosa is asked question regarding his nutrition. what will be the first information the nurse should ask the pt

1- lack of contol

2- family relationship

3- eating and food preference.

4- previous and present coping skill

the wife of a pt who sustain eye injury call the er and told the nurse that a blackboard hit the husband when doing house work in the backyard. the nurse should advice the pt wife to immediately

1- transport the pt to the er immediately

2- irrigate the eye with cool water

3- apply ice to the affected area

4- call for ambulance to tranport the pt to er

rsv mode of transmission is:droplet

a nurse is preparing to assist the physician to perform liver biopsy. what is the best position to place the pt for the procedure

1- right side

2- prone

3- supine with right hand under the head

4- right sims

what will be the best place to check a pt skin turgor

1- sacral area

2- top of the foot

3- sternal area

4- back of the hand

a pt who is prescribed zantac,is advice to take the medication once daily at

1- just prior to eating

2- before lunch

3- at bedtime

4- before breakfast

a pt c/o chest pain and the physician suspect mi and was place on nitroglycerin. after 20 min pt still c/o of chest pain. what will be the best action the nurse should take before administering the next dose of the medication if the pt pain is not relieved

1- ask the pt to deep breath

2- ask the pt to ambulate if the symptoms worsen, then the pt should stop any activity

3- check the pt blood pressure

4- place the pt in a semi fowler position

A pt informed the nurse that the food served is poisonous and refuse to to eat all food served. The pt is suffering from which delusion

1- delusion of reference

2- delusion of persecution

3- delusion of grandiosity

4- delusion of inference

A nurse found a pt with DM difficult to be arouse. An the nurse notice the pt skin is cool and clammy with elevated pulse. what will be the first action the nurse should take

1- give the pt a glass of orange juice

2- prepare the pt IV to calm down the skin

3- check the pt blood sugar

4- notify the physician

A pt who have high cholesterol is advised to reduce fat intake. what food should the pt choose from

1- baked pork

2- baked chicken

3- baked turkey

4- baked lamb

A pt with bulimia nervosa is asked question regarding his nutrition. what will be the first information the nurse should ask the pt

1- lack of contol

2- family relationship

3- eating and food preference.

4- previous and present coping skill

The wife of a pt who sustain eye injury call the ER and told the nurse that a blackboard hit the husband when doing house work in the backyard. The nurse should advice the pt wife to immediately

1- transport the pt to the ER immediately

2- irrigate the eye with cool water

3- apply ice to the affected area

4- call for ambulance to tranport the pt to ER

RSV mode of transmission is ___contact________________

A nurse is preparing to assist the physician to perform liver biopsy. what is the best position to place the pt for the procedure

1- right side

2- prone

3- supine with right hand under the head

4- right sims

what will be the best place to check a pt skin turgor

1- sacral area

2- top of the foot

3- sternal area

4- back of the hand

A pt who is prescribed Zantac,is advice to take the medication once daily at

1- just prior to eating

2- before lunch

3- at bedtime

4- before breakfast

A pt c/o chest pain and the physician suspect MI and was place on nitroglycerin. After 20 min pt still c/o of chest pain. what will be the best action the nurse should take before administering the next dose of the medication if the pt pain is not relieved

1- ask the pt to deep breath

2- ask the pt to ambulate if the symptoms worsen, then the pt should stop any activity

3- check the pt blood pressure

4- place the pt in a semi fowler position.

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

a pt informed the nurse that the food served is poisonous and refuse to to eat all food served. the pt is suffering from which delusion

1- delusion of reference

2- delusion of persecution:yeah:

3- delusion of grandiosity

4- delusion of inference

a nurse found a pt with dm difficult to be arouse. an the nurse notice the pt skin is cool and clammy with elevated pulse. what will be the first action the nurse should take

1- give the pt a glass of orange juice

2- prepare the pt iv to calm down the skin

3- check the pt blood sugar:yeah:

4- notify the physician

a pt who have high cholesterol is advised to reduce fat intake. what food should the pt choose from

1- baked pork

2- baked chicken:up:

3- baked turkey

4- baked lamb:down:

a pt with bulimia nervosa is asked question regarding his nutrition. what will be the first information the nurse should ask the pt

1- lack of contol

2- family relationship

3- eating and food preference.:up:

4- previous and present coping skill

the wife of a pt who sustain eye injury call the er and told the nurse that a blackboard hit the husband when doing house work in the backyard. the nurse should advice the pt wife to immediately

1- transport the pt to the er immediately

2- irrigate the eye with cool water

3- apply ice to the affected area:up:

4- call for ambulance to transport the pt to er

rsv mode of transmission is ___contact____:up:____________

a nurse is preparing to assist the physician to perform liver biopsy. what is the best position to place the pt for the procedure

1- right side

2- prone

3- supine with right hand under the head:up:

4- right sims

what will be the best place to check a pt skin turgor

1- sacral area

2- top of the foot

3- sternal area:up:

4- back of the hand

a pt who is prescribed zantac,is advice to take the medication once daily at

1- just prior to eating

2- before lunch

3- at bedtime:up:

4- before breakfast:down:

a pt c/o chest pain and the physician suspect mi and was place on nitroglycerin. after 20 min pt still c/o of chest pain. what will be the best action the nurse should take before administering the next dose of the medication if the pt pain is not relieved

1- ask the pt to deep breath

2- ask the pt to ambulate if the symptoms worsen, then the pt should stop any activity

3- check the pt blood pressure:up:

4- place the pt in a semi fowler position.

:ancong!: well-done jab!!

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

a pt informed the nurse that the food served is poisonous and refuse to to eat all food served. the pt is suffering from which delusion

1- delusion of reference

2- delusion of persecution

3- delusion of grandiosity

4- delusion of inference:down:

a nurse found a pt with dm difficult to be arouse. an the nurse notice the pt skin is cool and clammy with elevated pulse. what will be the first action the nurse should take

1- give the pt a glass of orange juice:down:(assessment first before action)

2- prepare the pt iv to calm down the skin

3- check the pt blood sugar

4- notify the physician

a pt who have high cholesterol is advised to reduce fat intake. what food should the pt choose from

1- baked pork

2- baked chicken:up:

3- baked turkey

4- baked lamb

a pt with bulimia nervosa is asked question regarding his nutrition. what will be the first information the nurse should ask the pt

1- lack of contol

2- family relationship

3- eating and food preference.:up:

4- previous and present coping skill

the wife of a pt who sustain eye injury call the er and told the nurse that a blackboard hit the husband when doing house work in the backyard. the nurse should advice the pt wife to immediately

1- transport the pt to the er immediately

2- irrigate the eye with cool water

3- apply ice to the affected area:up:

4- call for ambulance to transport the pt to er

rsv mode of transmission is:droplet:down: contact

a nurse is preparing to assist the physician to perform liver biopsy. what is the best position to place the pt for the procedure

1- right side:down: left side is the best position for liver biopsy

2- prone

3- supine with right hand under the head

4- right sims

what will be the best place to check a pt skin turgor

1- sacral area

2- top of the foot

3- sternal area:up:

4- back of the hand

a pt who is prescribed zantac,is advice to take the medication once daily at

1- just prior to eating

2- before lunch

3- at bedtime:up:

4- before breakfast

a pt c/o chest pain and the physician suspect mi and was place on nitroglycerin. after 20 min pt still c/o of chest pain. what will be the best action the nurse should take before administering the next dose of the medication if the pt pain is not relieved

1- ask the pt to deep breath

2- ask the pt to ambulate if the symptoms worsen, then the pt should stop any activity

3- check the pt blood pressure:up:

4- place the pt in a semi fowler position:down:

:yeah::yeah::yeah:good jab!!

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

what will the nurse expect to notice in a newborn baby with a mother which has type 1 DM

1-small for gestation and preterm

2-large for gestation and post-term

3-small for gestation and post-term

4-large for gestation and term

A newborn baby with untreated PKU will have which characteristic of urine odor





what observation will lead to suspect a newborn baby with spinal cord injury have ICP

1-absence crying

2-high pitch


4-depressed fontanel

what will be the most nursing diagnosis for a pt with rupture ectopic pregnancy

1-risk for infection

2-deficient fluid volume

3-decrease cardiac output

4-excessive fluid volume

A nurse notice a newborn baby have not pass first meconium and hirschsprung disease is suspected. what diagnostic procedure can be use to relieve the obstruction

1-barium enema

2-barium swallow

3-rectal biopsy


what is the most maternal side effect of Terbutaline _____________

what is an antidote for Terbutaline ______________

After sexual intercourse a diaphragm must be left in place for





how many calorie increase is needed in first trimester and lactation period_____________

what is the purpose of using ultrasound in the 1st trimester for pregnant pt

1-fetal growth


3-mental retardation

4-fetal age

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