Study Buddy for NCLEX-RN?


Hello Guys!!!

Any study buddy for NClEX-RN? We can do skype or video calls to study!!! I take my exam in April 3d :)

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Moved to NCLEX forum

Hi! Did you find the study buddy?

I can study via skype

Hi! Did you find the study buddy?

Hey sorry for the delay! not yet!! interested?

I can Study Via Skype as well! let me know if you are available :)

I can Study Via Skype as well! let me know if you are available :)

When can we start or when r u avail?

I am currently studying today if you would like today or tomorrow, up to you! :)

I am available today or any day of the week except sat and sun, im currently studying so if you want we can do that today or whenever your available :)

Can I join you group ?

thank you

what state are you from?

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