Hello to all-
I have been looking all over for the right group to seek advice. I am a nurse student and am transferring to an online school in order to finish up earlier. I am responsible to find possible clinical sites and preceptors and the colleges clincial liasion helps to make the final arrangements. Anyway, I already work as an aide at a small 136 bed hospital and thought that it would be a great start for a couple of my clinicals. My manager is making sure that it is acceptable. I was speaking to some of the nurses I work with about doing clinicals there and they were very rude and discouraging. One of them told me good luck finding any nurse here willing to precept you. No one will put their licensure up and be responsible for any student. The nurses also can not believe that precepting me does not involve extra compensation by the college.(precepting would be during reg shift). The also said I should look to do something else besides nursing. I said that I can't, I do not feel passionate about anything else like I do with nursing. They said well look forward to a bad back, no pension or health insurance when you retire. If anyone could please give me some adivice? thank you