Strange incident

Specialties Psychiatric


Specializes in ICU.

I recently started a new job at a psychiatric hospital and had a very strange experience with a patient. (I am going to change the name/s in telling what happened for privacy matters.)

I was passing out meds when a patient said to me, "Who is Zoe?" I looked up at her and gave this deer in headlight look, because it is the name of my young daughter. I was taken back and said to her, "I don't know." Then she said, "She woke me up." She took her medicine and then went into the day room saying, "Chloe!" (Not exactly my daughter's name this time around but it rhymed). My daughter doesn't have a very common name. As far as I know, there is no one working there by that name.

I remember during orientation that an employee (I think a patient representative) said that patients will look you up on facebook or whatever to get a reaction from you. While it is not impossible that she found out her name somehow, I just don't know where or how. My privacy settings are strict on FB and patients do not have access to phones/computers at the hospital. I am new and I haven't really discussed my private life with my coworkers.

I am not sure if this patient is screwing with my somehow or if this was pure coincidence or if she has some psychic/mental powers. Then I thought maybe I imagined this? I haven't told many people about this incident because I didn't want to scare them or think I am "crazy." I don't feel scared by what happened anymore, though I was admittedly shaken up that night. I stay cautious. I just wanted to share this because I didn't want to get stressed over this.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Yes, Scarlettz, This sort of thing has happened many times!

Patients will say things out of the blue related to my personal life there is no way they could know!

Just the other day I was chatting with a Patient diagnosed with Psychosis and Dementia. I tend to allow them to choose the topic and my responses follow with loose association.

For example, this Patient Said something about 1978.

I mentioned that was the year I turned 21 and started recording what I termed "Diary Tapes" on cassette.

The Patient replied, "November 8th."

I was taken aback! that was the exact date I began my diary tapes!

I tried similar tests with other years, but the act was not repeated.

Here's a link to a similar thread:

Specializes in Psych. Violence & Suicide prevention..

You know that sounds spooky. I have had several encounters over the years of similarly spooky content. A particularly strong memory was an encounter with a client who had medication resistant psychosis. In all the years we worked with him, there was only one incident in which he was lucid. In that window of a mutual connection I finally got to meet the man who had been conserved for decades since he was a young man. I was doing rounds and found him in a yoga (lotus) pose on his bed. This was amazing for him to have been in this pose which takes active practice and flexibility to achieve, but he was so relaxed in it. He looked at me and knew my name and asked me about Mildred. There is no way he could have done what he did or knew who Mildred is to me. And again an odd name. This same man would smoke and the wrens would sit on his finger. I am still astounded by the presence he had and am intrigued and spooked all at once.

There is more to this world then we understand. I believe some of our clients experience things that are real but beyond the reach of sciences understanding. In time perhaps we will understand. Meanwhile the mystery keeps life interesting.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

There's more to life and more possible in a person's brain than we can imagine, I think...

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

This has happened to me.

I was working with some residential, very sick patients, teaching a mild exercise class. At the time, I was working as a sub contractor, and I was very unhappy with my contract. I was considering ditching the middle man and trying to negotiate my own relationship with the client. I happened to be thinking about how I might do this while teaching the class. A patient who was usually very confused and in her own world suddenly looked me in the eye and said, "Don't you do that. It will get you fired." It felt like I got zapped, it was such a shock. She was right too, I never was able to negotiate my own contract with the client, and although I wouldn't call it getting fired, I lost the gig entirely.

There have been more incidents with psych patients knowing stuff they shouldn't. One asked if I was pregnant as I was considering the fact that my period was late, silently.

I am generally not afraid of psych patients. But there was one time when a patient said, "Do you see that?" and the lights flickered, not in a way that happens from turning them off and on, but like a surge, with a simultaneous sound. There was a pause and then he said, "Do you see that?" again and the lights flickered again. It scared me. I have no idea why it happened.

So yeah, you're not crazy.

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

Most definitely NOT crazy.

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