Stopped at 78?



I took the NCLEX exam in London today 2nd try (1st failed at 265qs-near passing level)

This time I feel confident most of the questions were priority questions, I think the exam stopped at 78 questions? I understood the questions more, and I know I didn't answer every one right but surely at the level of the test if I was doing porely after priority questions so early I would of carried on & got more questions rather than stopped!

Today when the test stopped I felt great unlike last time I had no idea and I was in shock. I used the time between tests to study what the questions were asking and what they wanted from the answer, I took my time and worked through the answers logically, last time I was stuck between two possible answers and guessed the ones I didn't know!!!

If I haven't passed I don't what I did wrong! BUT surely I wouldn't nearly pass 1st try & then fail miserably the 2nd time & if I had priority questions so early even if these were wrong the exam would of continued wouldn't it???

Sorry to go on-4 weeks till results

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I only had 1 select all that apply but lots of who would you see first & teaching only 1 calculation question!

I used Suzanne's plan, NCSBN & Kaplan which really helped understand the questions & lots of online questions & other NCLEX books

Specializes in MCH, L&D.

Good luck, I'm sure you passed!

Any update?

Sorry no I have to wait ages for the mail from California:bugeyes:

Really wish I knew now:specs:

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