Stony Brook U Nursing Basic BSN Fall 2014 Applicants!

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! I'm in the middle of my prerequisites for the nursing program at Stony to apply for admission next fall! Just wanted to reach out and say hey to anyone else in the same shoes! Where else are you all applying?

SBU is obviously my first choice, but I'm also applying to NYU, Adelphi, Molloy, I might apply to York and Lehman, and I might apply to LIU Brooklyn. I would apply to Hunter, but I don't want to transfer for the spring only to be waitlisted (or rejected!) for one of their 100 seats.

I guess you guys had the interview already so that means the rest of the people who is waiting would just get a rejection letter???

I guess you guys had the interview already so that means the rest of the people who is waiting would just get a rejection letter???

I'm not sure... Eboards in prenursing club says that u still have a chance of getting in without an interview but I personally didn't get interviewed for 1 yr and got rejected :/

As far as we know, this is correct. The School of Nursing stated that they randomly picked who would be interviewed. They only interviewed about 205 applicants. There were around 500+ applicants. The School of Nursing relayed this information to us. I'm in the 2 year program right now & part of the Pre-Nursing eboard. There are only 80 seats so don't get discouraged guys!! Keep your head up. Even if you don't get in this time around, build up your resume and show the School of Nursing that you're really dedicated and really really want this. It took me more than once to get an acceptance but I worked hard to show them I really wanted this. Did better in classes, got more involved (on and off campus), really got to talk to my recommenders, and put my heart and soul into my essay. You guys got this!

As far as we know, this is correct. The School of Nursing stated that they randomly picked who would be interviewed. They only interviewed about 205 applicants. There were around 500+ applicants. The School of Nursing relayed this information to us. I'm in the 2 year program right now & part of the Pre-Nursing eboard. There are only 80 seats so don't get discouraged guys!! Keep your head up. Even if you don't get in this time around, build up your resume and show the School of Nursing that you're really dedicated and really really want this. It took me more than once to get an acceptance but I worked hard to show them I really wanted this. Did better in classes, got more involved (on and off campus), really got to talk to my recommenders, and put my heart and soul into my essay. You guys got this!

Katrina- In regards to "As far as we know, this is correct" What are you referring to ? That you can still get in without an interview or that those who did not get an interview is rejected? Thanks for the advice by the way, it was really encouraging.

I was referring to the fact that you can still get in without an interview. It's important to remember that this is the first time they are including interviews in the application process so nothing is set in stone. And of course, I know what it is like to be sitting and waiting anxiously!! I hope you all find out soon so you can breathe a little, haha.

That's very nice of you! Thank you for the words of encouragement and advice

Thank you KatrinaJL!

Professor Tarantino told me that we would find out by the end of this week but I'm assuming we wont?

Maybe tomorrow?? :nailbiting:

The suspense is killing me...:unsure:

Do you think they'll send out the emails in waves like they did with the accelerated program?

Ok.....Friday has passed and still no response. Does anyone know who makes the decision of who gets in and who doesn't? Who makes up the admissions committee?:down:

I was gonna ask my professor again but he was sick and cancelled class :/ last year they sent out letters this week so hopefully we'll hear back from them this week!

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