Stony Brook U Nursing Basic BSN Fall 2014 Applicants!

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! I'm in the middle of my prerequisites for the nursing program at Stony to apply for admission next fall! Just wanted to reach out and say hey to anyone else in the same shoes! Where else are you all applying?

SBU is obviously my first choice, but I'm also applying to NYU, Adelphi, Molloy, I might apply to York and Lehman, and I might apply to LIU Brooklyn. I would apply to Hunter, but I don't want to transfer for the spring only to be waitlisted (or rejected!) for one of their 100 seats.

No I did not have Lori. I had another lady, but I do not remember her name, and yes the pictures look different because I could not find her:-(

I am not sure Lori was on the board though. Do you remember if Karen Allard and Professor Stacey Frawley interviewed you?

Neither one of those.

I know most of you are not thinking about jobs or scholarships at all right now but you will soon enough! I stumbled across this and thought some of you guys might be interested. Looks like you can't apply until October of your senior year but it's a great opportunity for a scholarship AND job so keep it in mind!

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student Scholarship - The Mount Sinai Hospital

Thank you GoVeg, glad to know our options.....

Hi GoVeg! I have a quick question for you :) as far as classes go, do people bring notebooks or take notes on the computer/tablet? Also, do you just study from lectures or lectures and textbooks?

Hi GoVeg! I have a quick question for you :) as far as classes go do people bring notebooks or take notes on the computer/tablet? Also, do you just study from lectures or lectures and textbooks?[/quote']

All classes have powerpoints so most people print the powerpoints and take on them. Some people take notes in their computers. Personally, I take notes on the power points but always bring my comp to school because it's a lot more convenient in the library. You can print straight from your laptop to the school printers so that's really helpful too.

In the accelerated program you really don't have much time to read. The tests have only tested from the powerpoints so you never need to use the books

However, they are starting this new "team based learning" (tbl) thing that requires you to read on your own and then come in a take a quiz on the assigned reading. It's terrible. So if you're in a future class, you will probably have to so some reading :/.

Thank you soooo much! You're awesome!

This waiting is killing meeee :nailbiting:

Last year, people got their rejection letter first, then their acceptance letters, and finally the waitlist letters.

It was around April 25thish. Just sharing what I know!

The waiting is killing me too!! The 25th seems sooooo far away! When did they send the rejection letters? before the 25th?

They said at the interview that we would hear back late April/early May. However, for the accelerated program they said we'd hear by Thanksgiving but we didn't hear until almost January. I'm trying to keep my mind off of it so I don't drive myself crazy!!!

Last year people got their rejection letters on the 25th then the next day people got their acceptances and few days later wait lists. So pretty much if u don't get an email on the day people get rejected, you either got accepted / wait listed.

But this year it seems to be different. I spoke to my professor who is part of the boards for the basic program and he said they are having a meeting Monday and will email us by the end of next week. Meeeeeeeep :nailbiting:

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