Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

U.S.A. New York


ok, it's never too early to start a thread about applying for 2011 ... :D ... which i am most definitely doing even though i am still waitlisted for 2010. i just won't be able to attend this year if i get in ... :(

but that's ok! i'll be done with all my prereqs and have time to write a better application (if in fact that is at all possible, you know?).

anyone else applying to stony brook for summer 2011?

Specializes in Peds.

I've been so busy and this month is like my busiest month... x (

I was editing my resume... gonna have my friend to take a look at it before i upload it and im pretty much done with the online part!! Just need to work on my essay and ask for my recommendations lol and... my transcript... im taking my last prereq (microbio) right now so should i still send my transcript or should i wait till my final grade is out?? any idea?

Now I'm thinking about the second application for the 2yr program... how should i do it? I feel like i shouldnt be submitting the same essay but my friend said it would be weird to have two different essays from the same applicant... and the recommendations too... eeeek... things are definitely NOT rolling for me ='(

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
I've been so busy and this month is like my busiest month... x (

I was editing my resume... gonna have my friend to take a look at it before i upload it and im pretty much done with the online part!! Just need to work on my essay and ask for my recommendations lol and... my transcript... im taking my last prereq (microbio) right now so should i still send my transcript or should i wait till my final grade is out?? any idea?

Now I'm thinking about the second application for the 2yr program... how should i do it? I feel like i shouldnt be submitting the same essay but my friend said it would be weird to have two different essays from the same applicant... and the recommendations too... eeeek... things are definitely NOT rolling for me ='(

Resume? We don't need to submit one of those according to the instructions. I did not submit one last year. Or are you submitting one on your own as extra info?

Definitely send your transcript even though your micro is in progress. Your application will be considered incomplete without it. If you indicated the school in your application there needs to be a transcript to go along with it. Should you be accepted to Stony Brook, you will then have to provide a new final transcript before you start the program showing that you completed the course successfully.

I wish I could offer some guidance on the two-application process. I actively decided NOT to do that just because I thought it would be too much work, especially when I am applying to other schools too. I could not fathom asking the same recommenders to submit their recommendations twice for the same school. I figured I have a fighting chance for the accelerated considering I waitlisted last year, so I must be doing something right. If it is meant to be it will happen. I would think the same essay would work for both applications, especially when they are asking the same exact questions. Notice that the 2nd question does not ask why you're pursuing an accelerated bachelors, just a bachelors, so because of that I would assume the same answer can apply to both programs. The other topics are generic enough. Can't hurt to ask the school about this (OR you can search other Stony Brook threads on here, I am sure that question has been asked before).

2 out of 3 of my recommendations have already been submitted, that's nice to know ... I hope the 3rd one gets on his!! :D I however have been stagnating on the essay, will have to do some of it tonight.

Specializes in Peds.

ahh omg I kept thinking resume is required! lol o wells... i guess might as well upload one too? omg im sooo anxious about everything!! I just got my first recommendation and I'm debating on whom to ask for the other two... should I ask for another doctor, a head nurse, or a professor? I feel like i definitely need one from a professor... but the thing is, I do get A's but I dont really talk to my professors alot lol

anyways... where else are you applying for? I'm gonna apply for downstate, thinking about NYU (most likely can't get in but i just wanna see how it is lol), and SUNY suffolk too as a back up but i heard this AS program is very hard to get in too, which I dont get why lol

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
ahh omg I kept thinking resume is required! lol o wells... i guess might as well upload one too? omg im sooo anxious about everything!! I just got my first recommendation and I'm debating on whom to ask for the other two... should I ask for another doctor, a head nurse, or a professor? I feel like i definitely need one from a professor... but the thing is, I do get A's but I dont really talk to my professors alot lol

anyways... where else are you applying for? I'm gonna apply for downstate, thinking about NYU (most likely can't get in but i just wanna see how it is lol), and SUNY suffolk too as a back up but i heard this AS program is very hard to get in too, which I dont get why lol

Someone told me that if you have 3 recommendations to get, at least 2 need to be academic ones and the other should be from someone that has supervised you in a medical environment (unless you're a very recent student, in which case no doubt 3 professors). Don't stop at 1 professor, get 2. Last year I had only 1 professor, 1 from my hospital volunteer supervisor and 1 from someone who knows my work in my non-nursing job. I don't think that last one brought too much weight to my application though (thinking it was one of the factors for being waitlisted), so I replaced her with a new prof. U need to go and talk to these professors!! They get asked about these all the time, and if you get an A in their class they will be more than happy to do it.

I was accepted to U in Philadelphia, but I am not sure I want to pay all that money for a BSN, especially when I want to go on to grad school and I have enough loans out right now. I am also applying to 3 schools in Florida, since it's where I live right now. I used to live in NY and would like to come back. Been on the fence about NYU, not sure if I want to apply there yet. I heard it's relatively easy to get into though, as compared to the state schools. My ADN backup is Beth Israel, I will prob send in the application early Jan in case the BSN outlook starts looking grim, lol!

Specializes in Peds.
Someone told me that if you have 3 recommendations to get, at least 2 need to be academic ones and the other should be from someone that has supervised you in a medical environment (unless you're a very recent student, in which case no doubt 3 professors). Don't stop at 1 professor, get 2. Last year I had only 1 professor, 1 from my hospital volunteer supervisor and 1 from someone who knows my work in my non-nursing job. I don't think that last one brought too much weight to my application though (thinking it was one of the factors for being waitlisted), so I replaced her with a new prof. U need to go and talk to these professors!! They get asked about these all the time, and if you get an A in their class they will be more than happy to do it.

I was accepted to Drexel U in Philadelphia, but I am not sure I want to pay all that money for a BSN, especially when I want to go on to grad school and I have enough loans out right now. I am also applying to 3 schools in Florida, since it's where I live right now. I used to live in NY and would like to come back. Been on the fence about NYU, not sure if I want to apply there yet. I heard it's relatively easy to get into though, as compared to the state schools. My ADN backup is Beth Israel, I will prob send in the application early Jan in case the BSN outlook starts looking grim, lol!

Well I was thinking getting 2 professional recommendations and one from professor. The reason why I want more professional ones is that I'm not a recent grad and I've been working for more than a year. So far I have 1 doctor whom I'm working with. I'm definitely gonna ask for an academic one cuz i know the schools think its important. The last one I'm thinking about getting one from another doctor who is also the cheif of pediatrics, or my supervisor who is the head nurse...

The professor I wanna ask is from the school I graduated from last year. I got an A in one of his class and A- in his internship class. Is that good enough? lol I hope he remembers me... = (

I'm planning to do master too but most likely a year or two after I get my BSN... and me too I have loans... LOTS of them... = ( I'm not even considering any out-of-state schools... and NYU, im just applying lol if its easy to get into then i might think about it but if a cheaper school accepts me of course i'll go for the latter. Stony brook is really my very first choice... not only because i graduated there, but also its affordable and away from home but not too far... u know... lol don't think they give priority to alums tho... if they do that would be great lol

Hello everyone,

Hi dr3amygirl thanks for inviting me to this thread!! I am glad that I have other people to stress with over this application process. I have everything completed (I think) just need to finish my essay. I am applying to both the accelerated and 2 year program at SB. At this point, I would take either. Of course, it would be nice to be done in 1 year however the 2 year program could have its perks, like more time to study and work on the side.

I am worried about finances during nursing school. I already have a bunch of loans from my undergraduate degree and don't want to get too much further in debt. How will you guys finance living expenses while in school if you aren't going to work?

Ahhh so much to think about haha. Good luck on applying guys!

Paco, when did you hear back from SB last year?

Specializes in Peds.
Hello everyone,

Hi dr3amygirl thanks for inviting me to this thread!! I am glad that I have other people to stress with over this application process. I have everything completed (I think) just need to finish my essay. I am applying to both the accelerated and 2 year program at SB. At this point, I would take either. Of course, it would be nice to be done in 1 year however the 2 year program could have its perks, like more time to study and work on the side.

I am worried about finances during nursing school. I already have a bunch of loans from my undergraduate degree and don't want to get too much further in debt. How will you guys finance living expenses while in school if you aren't going to work?

Ahhh so much to think about haha. Good luck on applying guys!

Paco, when did you hear back from SB last year?

You're welcome Christina! =D

OMG I have the same thoughts as you do!! I'd take either one too cuz stony is my first choice! I really dunno about my finance yet... was thinking about getting some other loans (on top of my undergrad loans too...) im saving up parts of my paychecks and paying my old loans little by little now... but i plan to travel before i start school... hopefully i can pay off most of my loan and have some money left... if thats not enough then i guess i`ll have to get an on campus job that allow me to sit down and maybe do some readings (something like library i guess...) im also planning on getting a car so i can go home whenever i need to cuz train takes 2 hrs and it only comes at certain times... but i mean stony is very convenient so car might not be a necessity... i guess i'll have to take care of the application first lol

and Paco got waitlisted last year

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Paco, when did you hear back from SB last year?

Hi goofina, welcome to the thread! :yeah:

I had to go back to my files to check, I kept copies of all the paperwork I got and submitted. The letter that said I was waitlisted was dated mid-January and I probably got it like toward the end of that month (since I am out of state, and my mail delivery is hit or miss). I got another letter in July letting me know that the class had been filled, that there was no more room for me, and encouraging me to re-apply. I would have to assume it will be the same thing this year, except that I would like to see an acceptance instead of another waitlist notice in January :D

Specializes in Float Nurse.

Hey you guys!

im also applying for the summer 2011 program! I really hope i get in :cross fingers: im pretty much done with my online applications, i sent in my transcripts, and at the process of finishing up my essay. For recommendations i have 2 professional and 1 professor.. do you think they will heavily weigh the fact i only have one professor? My 2 professionals is the director of nursing at my job and my actual supervisor for medical records.

Im also finishing up my pre-reqs in the local community college. I dont know how i would be able to send a transcript in since im non-matriculated and its my 1st semester there. Im taking AnP 2 now and Anp 1 next semester. I took gross mammalian anatomy as an undergrad but im assuming it wouldnt count because UMDNJ suggested i take AnP specifically. ( im applying for UMDNJ summer as well, but the deadline is far far from now, but would much rather get into stony brook because i wanted to get my masters there )

Good luck on applications =)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Im taking AnP 2 now and Anp 1 next semester.

How are you managing this?? Isn't A&P 1 a prereq for A&P 2?

Specializes in Float Nurse.
How are you managing this?? Isn't A&P 1 a prereq for A&P 2?

it should be... lol when i was registering all of anp1 was closed therefore, i spoke with one of the advisors and told her i took gross mammalian anatomy already so i have some background so she signed me off to take anp2 first.

Specializes in Peds.
it should be... lol when i was registering all of anp1 was closed therefore, i spoke with one of the advisors and told her i took gross mammalian anatomy already so i have some background so she signed me off to take anp2 first.

yea i was thinking about that because she took gross mammalian anatomy too lol

omg i need to get my transcript and stuff.... do i need the school to send it? or can i just get it from my school and bring it there or send it by myself? cuz i really dont trust the community college im in right now... :confused:

I got 2 professional ones and 1 academic for recommendations too... i got a doctor to write one and another one im debating whether i should get the chief of pediatrics or the head nurse from my job...

i was trying to contact the school of nursing today but no body picked up!! i wanna know if they have info sessions or if i can talk to an advisor... imma go there directly tmr since im gonna be visiting = )

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