Stony brook accelerated nursing class of 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Just wanted to start this thread to see if anyone else has applied to the 12 month accelerated nursing program at stony brook!

I hope everyone who's in this thread gets in !

Very anxious! I keep re-reading my personal statement and now I'm starting to lose confidence. I feel like I could have made it more personal, but instead I went in with the approach of wanting to help undeserved communities and how that has inspired me, instead of focusing on the why's.


This sucks.

What other schools did every one else apply to?

I'm putting all of my marbles into Stony Brook and Columbia (first choice-ish). I'm thinking about having back-ups. But I'm not sure if it's worth the time, energy, or money.

I applied to both of Stony Brook's Basic/Accelerated programs as well as Molloy, but would prefer stony brook since I am a Seawolf alum :p

Hi Jared72293,

How long is the Molloy accelerated nursing program? How did you apply I went online looking for the application deadline and admission requirements. I didn't find much information.

Yea their website is very vague for people looking for an accelerated program. They told me on the phone that you apply as a transfer student under the generic undergraduate university application for the dual degree nursing program. They said typically it would be about 2.5 years (not sure exactly on the length since part of that is completing prerequisites and I have most of them done). The nice thing though is that they offer a 1 year addition to the program to get your masters along with it immediately if you choose to do so. They have both a fall and spring entry. So in other words, the deadline for the spring is October or so and for the fall it's april. I would double check with them on that because I can't remember. So I would be evaluated as a transfer applicant and until I'm accepted I wouldn't really quite know how long the program would be for sure.

As for admissions requirements there was barely any. No letters of recommendations required, just an essay on why do you want be a nurse along with the application fee and official transcripts. If you meet the requirements for stony brook you'll meet theres.

Hey everyone!

I applied sept 27th. Anxiously waiting to hear back. I hope everyone in this thread gets in! Compared to other threads, it seems less people have commented. So maybe that means less applicants this year??? Goodluck to everyone!:D

I applied around the August timeline. I am also waiting anxiously to get a response!

Hey everyone!

I applied sept 27th. Anxiously waiting to hear back. I hope everyone in this thread gets in! Compared to other threads, it seems less people have commented. So maybe that means less applicants this year??? Goodluck to everyone!:D

Haha! That's exactly what I was hoping for as well!

Hoping we hear back from Stony by either today or tomorrow about interviews! (Latest Monday!)

Same! Lol, the wait is so stressful.

nothing yet!! :( so worried!

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