Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone, I'm currently in the Stony Brook accelerated (1 year) program and here to help with questions you might have. It was useful for me to look at the thread from last year when I was applying so I wanted to get one started for all of you. Feel free to post questions or message me. I hope this is helpful.

Does anyone know what the schedule will be like? What classes will be taken in each semester? I tried to look up the curriculum, but I couldn't find a break down of the classes for each semester.

Specializes in Obstetric Acute/Newborn Nursery.

Hey! There's facebook group started. I don't think we're allowed to post links to Facebook here but it's called Stony Brook Accelerated Nursing Class of 2018. The picture is a grad cap and stethoscope

Great!! I just requested to join the FB Group :)

Hi! My name is Zain and I'm currently working on completing 3 courses at Nassau Community College to fulfill the prerequisites for the SBU Accelerated Nursing Program. Thank you for creating this thread – its exactly the type of open environment that can foster a more comfortable application process J

Anyway, I wanted to ask: since the program is full-time, how did you pay your bills/have money for food if you were doing the program and not working? Were you able to get financial aid, and use that money to live? I'm currently working full-time, so I would assume I'd have to quit to go through with the program.

Thank you again and hope to speak with you soon!


did anyone get onto the alternate list?

Is the deposit option still unavailable for everyone else?

Does anyone know when the deposit deadline actually is?

Happened to check the deposit option just now and it's fixed! Just paid the deposit. I look forward to meeting you all!

This is mainly for people applying to the nursing program for the next cycle (2019), because I know I looked through the threads of previous years for any helpful info when I was applying! I was following this thread for a while but I never bothered to make an account especially after I was placed on the alternate list. However, I was accepted into the nursing program shortly after the original decision (around Feb 22) along with at least 5 other people. So my message is: if you were placed on the alternate list initially don't despair, there is hope! As someone once told me, it only takes one place to say yes for everything to work out :)

also in case anyone was wondering, I'm an SBU senior and I also applied to the 2yr program but pulled the application once I was accepted into the accelerated program.

Hey everyone! I am new here. I am a transfer student currently enrolled at SBU. I am planning to apply to the nursing program in the fall, but I am completely confused about obtaining my bachelor's degree. So I thought to obtain a BSN you are required to take your Pre-Reqs and complete the Nursing Program and that would get me a BSN. I was advised to declare a major, which I don't understand why I can't declare nursing as my major. I was told I could not. I was told to declare a major such as Sociology, Women's Studies, or Multiple Disc. So does this mean I am obtaining a bachelors degree in the major I have chosen ex: sociology, and the nursing program completion just becomes part of my bachelors? I don't want to end up taking unnecessary classes since my parents are paying out of pocket.

Specializes in Obstetric Acute/Newborn Nursery.

Hi! I graduated from SBU in 2015 and am starting the accelerated program in June. The reason you can't declare nursing as your major is because you need to apply to the nursing program. What your adviser is telling you to do is declare a related major and fulfill your prerequisites (found online) and SBS requirements (they were DECs when I was a student) then once you have the required classes you will apply to the nursing program and your major will change to nursing. If you graduate from the program you get a bachelors of science major in nursing.

Hope this helps!

So the accelerated program is exclusively for people who have obtained a BS or BA degrees. It sounds like you are better served doing the 2 year program, which upon completion you get your BS. The reason you can not declare yourself a nursing major is because you need to apply and get into the program. Just cuz you are a pre-nursing at SB does not by any means guarantee you a spot in the actual nursing program. You can do any major you want before getting into the program but you should do one that allows you to complete your pre-reqs for nursing and ur requirements for your major. You never know what will happen and it's good to cover yourself just in case you don't get into Stony Brooks program and need to apply to other programs

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