Published May 6, 2013
59 Posts
Going on 3 months, still no test date ! Getting very frustrated. I tried calling a couple times and only got thru once, they wont give me any info. I s this normal ?
106 Posts
No. Did you already pay your $? You won't get ATT until you pay. I was misinformed and waited a week for ATT. I found out and paid and had my ATT within 24 hours.
64 Posts
Going on 3 months still no test date ! Getting very frustrated. I tried calling a couple times and only got thru once, they wont give me any info. I s this normal ?[/quote']What state are you in? I had to wait about three months as well since I'm in California. We're a very slow state.
What state are you in? I had to wait about three months as well since I'm in California. We're a very slow state.
I'm in Cali, too. RN testers are getting theirs within a month. I'm going for LVN.
I'm in Cali too. RN testers are getting theirs within a month. I'm going for LVN.[/quote']Me too! I called them a couple times to find out about the wait and each time I was told they were behind/ under staffed.
Me too! I called them a couple times to find out about the wait and each time I was told they were behind/ under staffed.
139 Posts
I'm also in CA, wait for approval for almost 4 moths. Then get my papers called to pay 200$ and in 15 min later got my ATT surprisingly;)((
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
From what I've heard, the BVNPT folks really are way behind and they have limited staff to process applications. The RN board is better staffed (they are separate entities with separate budgets), consequently they have faster turnaround times for NCLEX ATT. It's all budget stuff. They also can't likely share processing staff because the requirements for ATT are different. I would also hazard a guess that the BVNPT can't hire additional staff to meet the demand.
32 Posts
More time to study!
40 Posts
Make sure you paid and that your school sent your info to them. The school has to send a list of Graduated RN students so they know who can test. Mine tools about a Month in Cali
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
Make sure you paid your BON fee-if the state has one, and then the 200 testing fee, once you paid BOTH, then you get your ATT by email. If you haven't paid for BOTH, you will not receive your ATT...
Usually your school makes you fill out the paperwork, then it us up to the student to foot the bill, UNLESS the fees are included in the tuition. I paid for my licensing fee, then paid for my ATT once I confirmed my paperwork was accepted at my state's BON. I then paid for the test, and got my ATT less than 24 hours.
When I was in my PN program, we filled out the papers and paid by money order and our paperwork was sent to the BON by the time we graduated. Within 2-3 weeks, the ATT was received by mail.
To the OP, this seems abnormal ONLY if you paid and received nothing. I would backtrack to your school to find out when they sent your paperwork. Once you find out when, then contact your BON to confirm that you paid and paperwork is in their system. If that checks out, then contact the testing center if you paid to find out when you should get one, and it's been 3 months. They should look into it and you should get it as quick as under 24 hours or a long as a month.
21 Posts
Try giving pearson vue a call. On my first take I also waited for months but thy said its already active so I decided to have them send it to my email instead its so quick that as soon as I paid the 200 it was sent within 10 min
Well, they cashed my $150 check back in March. I'm supposed to pay the other fee when I get my ATT, they also did receive all paperwork, it was all sent certified. I have called 4 times over the last month, and always get frustrated and hang up after hearing a 6 hour wait time ! Just waiting.