Published May 23, 2013
10 Posts
What is the best stethoscope for nursing school?
2 Articles; 5,582 Posts
Lots of advice on this topic on a myriad of other threads, do a quick search.
39 Posts
A lot of people recommend the littmann classic II se.
276 Posts
Yes I recommend the Littmann Classic II also. Just got it for Clincal over the summer and it works great and is very easy to hear blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. Some Littmans (cardiac stethescopes) although they are great stethescopes and on the more expensive side, my nursing instructor said they are great for heart sounds but bad for breathing sounds.
376 Posts
I have a Litman cardio III a gift fom my mother in law
And a
Litman light wight, which I use for clinical.
1,301 Posts
I use an Ultrascope r/t my hearing being a bit off. They are inexpensive and you can hear heart/lung sounds very clearly.
Good luck!
Diane RN
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,212 Posts
I have a Litman cardio III a gift fom my mother in lawl.
I also use the cario III - best thing about it is that it has an adult and pedi bell so if you would be working with both populations it's a great tool.
eyesopen_mouthshut, CNA
163 Posts
My fiance got me the C3 as well, as a grats on getting into NS gift. It's pink, and I love it. The adult/ peds bell is perfect. I don't have any issues listening to breath sounds or (obviously) heart sounds. I like it a lot, can't wait to use it for clinical application (the reason I know it works great with breath sounds is I've been testing it out on my family... my aunt has COPD, my mother has asthma, and hubby lets me just press it all over him to hear different things LOL!)
Twinmom06, ASN, APN
1,171 Posts
if you're strapped for money then the Classic II is a terrific scope for the money...if money's not a worry or you have difficulty hearing then spring for the Cardio 3
turnforthenurse, MSN, NP
3,364 Posts
Classic II SE is a great stethoscope...I used that in nursing school. I upgraded to the Cardiology III, though.