Stethoscope question

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in LDRP.

So I went to get fitted for my uniform for school yesterday, and the woman asked me if i wanted to buy my stethoscope there. I said no, because I already have one. (Littman Lightweight II SE) Then she said "Oh, do you have this one here with the "little side" and the "big side"? (she was holding up the littman classic and referring to the diaphragm and the bell) I said no, I have the lightweight. To that she said, I think the school requires this one, I know your going to need the little side for pediatrics.

Okay, I know that statement is ridiculous. I know the bell and diaphragm are for picking up high or low frequency sounds, and not for big people and little people. haha But, do you think there was any merit to her statement about the school requiring one stethoscope? My stethoscope DOES have a bell, so why should it matter? I am going to call the school on Monday, but I am pretty sure they did not mention anything about a certain kind of stethoscope..

Does anyone on here's school require a certain kind?

Specializes in Pediatric Hem/Onc.

The Lightweights have the combined diaphragm/bell, if I remember correctly. You might want to ask your school, though. Mine doesn't care what you use but I've seen posts on here where people were provided with specific scopes from the school.

And why would you need the little side specifically for peds? I hope that woman sticks to uniforms lol

I have heard of schools supplying stethoscopes but never requiring a particular brand or style.

Her statement was indeed comical and most likely intended to boost her commission...which I have found scrub stores in my area anyways usually have comission paid employees, ugh.

Personally I am not a fan of the lightweight series, acoustics are as light as the scope IMHO.

So I went to get fitted for my uniform for school yesterday, and the woman asked me if i wanted to buy my stethoscope there. I said no, because I already have one. (Littman Lightweight II SE) Then she said "Oh, do you have this one here with the "little side" and the "big side"? (she was holding up the littman classic and referring to the diaphragm and the bell) I said no, I have the lightweight. To that she said, I think the school requires this one, I know your going to need the little side for pediatrics.

Okay, I know that statement is ridiculous. I know the bell and diaphragm are for picking up high or low frequency sounds, and not for big people and little people. haha But, do you think there was any merit to her statement about the school requiring one stethoscope? My stethoscope DOES have a bell, so why should it matter? I am going to call the school on Monday, but I am pretty sure they did not mention anything about a certain kind of stethoscope..

Does anyone on here's school require a certain kind?

My school didn't require a specific steth, but they did require a one with bell and a diaphragm.

My school didn't require a specific steth, but they did require a one with bell and a diaphragm.

Same here.

OT but heres a good review of scopes

Im just gonna get the one the school makes us buy. My brother who is a nurse in NY bought a really expensive scope that got stolen the first day he brought it to work. (he left it in the break room like a dumbass-but still, nurses or worse yet Doctors stealing stuff, oh my)

My school gave us all a steth, but we can use whatever we want.

To be honest, I think this lady was just trying to get your money :) . I kno wthat my school said we HAD to get everything at this one store including shoes, watches and stethescopes BUT YOU DON'T! I could have just picked our school patches up there and bought cherookes uniforms elsewhere. I think the stores have a contract with the school so they need to say that you must buy from there. But go with what you want honey

My school doesn't require a specific stethoscope, but does require one with a bell and diaphram, not a combo. Also, we didn't have to purchase our scrubs from them, we can buy them from wherever we choose, so long as their "royal blue." If you do endup having to buy a different one, I'd recommend a website like and buy one of their brands, since you already have a Littman.

From what i've read the lightweight can work as both by applying pressure. my school doesnt require a specific stethoscope, we don't spend a lot of time with peds at all, so maybe thats why.

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