Published Oct 23, 2005
238 Posts
After waiting for over a year to get into an LPN class, I have been excepted into a school where I can start November 7th. I should be excited but I am not. I feel that I am not prepared yet. I am scared to death of the fact I will not be working for a year. What if I hate it? What if I do not do well? I have wanted this for 7 years and now I am choking. Any words of wisdom? :uhoh21:
22 Posts
I know exactly how you feel. Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. I think a major positive is that you have wanted it for so long. So, you must know a bit about nursing and what is expected. There are going to be things about it you hate, but I'm certain the good will out do the bad. I'm a new graduate, and I would give myself affirmations out loud on a daily basis such as "I can get through this", "everything is going to be fine", etc. Seems silly, but trying to stay positive worked for me. The end result is worth it. If I can be of help in any way, just ask. You'll do just fine!!! :)
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I just graduated from a Los Angeles-area vocational nursing program only nine days ago, and I can assure you that there's nothing much to be afraid of. Fear will get into the way of possessing a much-needed clear mind, so take a deep breath and relax.
Around this time last year I resigned from a well-paying job at a fortune 500 company and lost my health insurance so that I could complete the LVN program without any major distractions. There were a few bumps in the road and I'll list them right now. Firstly, I lived approximately 90 miles from my school; therefore, I was putting 180 miles on my vehicle daily. Secondly, in March of this year I tied a comatose patient's trach-tie too tightly during a clinical rotation and she became cyanotic; as a result, I was written up for this incident. I became very depressed because the school's administrators were scrutinizing me painstakingly after the incident.
My advice is to avoid getting into 'academic competitions' with your classmates. Believe it or not, but your LPN-school grades are not as important as your NCLEX results in the long run. In my honest opinion, it is better to actually learn the material (even if you earn mostly B and C grades) and pass NCLEX on the first try. I know of A+ students who have failed the NCLEX two or three times because they memorized the material in school instead of actually taking the time to learn it. If you fail NCLEX, you lose money. That's the bottom line. I know C- students who passed NCLEX on the very first attempt because they absorbed the curriculum.
In addition, I suggest you have plenty of fun, bond with your classmates, and always ask if you are unsure on how to perform your procedures. LPN school is hard when you are frightened and easier when you are poised. If I did it, you can definitely do it. Good luck! :)
I did the same thing. I quit a great paying job in August that I worked at for 7 years. Craziest thing I have ever done because I had no job to go to. I got my CNA and decided I would work at a hospital or nursing home for 3 months until I started school. I was assuming I would start in January but when they said they had an Nov class available, I jumped right on it. Tonight I am having a lot of anxiety because I am not fully prepaired. I need a few shots as well as the money for the books to start the first week. I know I will be ok. It is just the reality of it.
I just graduated from a Los Angeles-area vocational nursing program only nine days ago, and I can assure you that there's nothing much to be afraid of. Fear will get into the way of possessing a much-needed clear mind, so take a deep breath and relax.Around this time last year I resigned from a well-paying job at a fortune 500 company and lost my health insurance so that I could complete the LVN program without any major distractions. There were a few bumps in the road and I'll list them right now. Firstly, I lived approximately 90 miles from my school; therefore, I was putting 180 miles on my vehicle daily. Secondly, in March of this year I tied a comatose patient's trach-tie too tightly during a clinical rotation and she became cyanotic; as a result, I was written up for this incident. I became very depressed because the school's administrators were scrutinizing me painstakingly after the incident.My advice is to avoid getting into 'academic competitions' with your classmates. Believe it or not, but your LPN-school grades are not as important as your NCLEX results in the long run. In my honest opinion, it is better to actually learn the material (even if you earn mostly B and C grades) and pass NCLEX on the first try. I know of A+ students who have failed the NCLEX two or three times because they memorized the material in school instead of actually taking the time to learn it. If you fail NCLEX, you lose money. That's the bottom line. I know C- students who passed NCLEX on the very first attempt because they absorbed the curriculum.In addition, I suggest you have plenty of fun, bond with your classmates, and always ask if you are unsure on how to perform your procedures. LPN school is hard when you are frightened and easier when you are poised. If I did it, you can definitely do it. Good luck! :)
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
No words of wisdom, just a question. When do you think you'll be ready because there is probably someone out there who would be willing to take your place in the class in a New York minute (I'm trying to snap my fingers for you)? You wouldn't have been offered a place in the class if the school didn't think you were ready enough for them.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Good luck. Bite the bullet and go for it. What's the worst that could happen? Whatever that is you can deal with it, but you won't know until you try. None of those fears or questions will be answered unless you try.
But what is you love it? What if you succeed and find your niche in life and are fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams? That could happen too. But you'll never know until you go for it.
True. It came quicker then I expected. I was expecting January. I haven't been in school in 21 years. I know I will do well.
5 Posts
Hey flwannab, where are you going to school and why did it take so long to get in. I'm looking for a lvn/lpn program here in st pete/clearwater and i haven't found any. Don't sweat it, it might be difficult at first, but things will fall into place........i'll say a prayer for U !!
I am trying to get into Galen. Most of the schools around here have a bit of a waiting list. I am number 22 on the wait list for a tech school in Tampa but I really want something closer. Galen is easy to get in and they have classes starting in February. Here are a few websites for you to look at. Thanks for the prayers. [
:balloons: Just remember, you have worked hard to get where you are. Its normal to second guess yourself when you are going into a new area of your life. I live in CLearwater and was wondering where are u going to school? I have been looking for a LVN school, but have come up empty. Please let me know and good luck. H.
thanks for the reply, sry I wrote twice, its the first time im posting on this sight. Thanks again