Starting nursing school in January, how to prepare?


I was accepted to a nursing program that was supposed to start this month. At the last minute I found out that I was accepted to my preferred school, but not until January. I'm not working and want to make the best use of this time without going "stir crazy." Does anyone have suggestions on how to best prepare for my first semester in a community college nursing program? I've already take pharmacology online and am good on the basic dosage calcs.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

1.) Buy NCLEX books. I'd buy 3-4 if you can afford it. In my Saunders book the 1st Chapter (I believe it's that chapter) teaches you how to read questions so that you can answer them correctly. This is really important. You gotta know what the question is looking for to be able to answer it correctly- and you'll also be able to see how questions are worded. NCLEX questions are pretty tough in the begining for a lot of people.

2.) Buy all the books on your book list, even the optional. Most people will say you shouldn't or that you won't really need them, but they are great tools. My disease book was considered an optional and I used it everyday at clinicals. It's good to have a book that has 2 pages dedicated specifically for the diease(s) your patient has. It tells you the little things you can do to help them/make their days better.

3.) Get a good stethescope. Seriously. You don't want to be struggling to hear breath sounds and heart tones while you are trying to learn what they all mean.

4.) Get a good pair of shoes! You will be on your feet a lot at clinicals. You don't want to be thinking about how badly your feet are throbbing while you are trying to put in an IV for the first time!

Hope that helps. I basically just told you to do everything I didn't that would have made my start to nursing school just a little bit easier.

Good luck!!!

Sleep a lot.

Visit all your friends and family.

Clean your house.

Do laundry.

Go through boxes, papers, files and anything else you've been meaning to do.

Things you won't be able to do when nursing school starts ;)

Thanks anonymous, This is the kind of thing I was looking for. I was looking for NCLEX books online and saw that there are several available. Are you suggesting that I get several from different authors such as Sanders, Davis? Or is there one in particular that is the most helpful. I am also getting the NCLEX question of the day online and that is helpful. As far as stethoscopes go, I have looked at several and am leaning toward the Littman SE. It's not real expensive, but not a starter. I've heard that you need a good stethoscope, but not sure exactly how that translates into which model to buy. I'm onto the good shoes!! I bought two pair with orthotic insoles (which cost more than the shoes) and am breaking them in. Should be in good shape there. Thanks for any additional details you can provide.

Don't prepare, just enjoy your freedom!!

Good point, tkm & birth revolution. I've been off work for two years while preparing for nursing school. Getting soooo comfortable with being at home. I know it's coming to an end so I'm trying to be proactive.

I second this.....Even if it doesn't bother you now, it will then. I always say I am going to do this stuff before a major life event and I never do enough. The biggest thing is probably getting rid of things that you don't need, that way they can't get out of place. Even more true if you have children (or a messy spouse). Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. (PS. Been doing this for about the last two weeks, because it is all really distracting when you are trying to study or really just don't have the time to pick something up for the nth time.)

Sleep a lot.

Visit all your friends and family.

Clean your house.

Do laundry.

Go through boxes, papers, files and anything else you've been meaning to do.

Things you won't be able to do when nursing school starts ;)

Whenever friends or family ask you to hang out - do it. I'm really missing my friends and family now that I'm eyeball deep in studying.

As far as buying supplies, I'd wait until you get your list from school or have orientation. We had uniform requirements and your school may require you to buy specific shoes or stethoscope or whatever.

Stock up on highlights and notecards. They are lifesavers when it comes to studying! Seriously! BUY THEM IN BULK!!

Specializes in Peds OR as RN, Peds ENT as NP.

Sleep. Enjoy. Laugh. Don't start studying. Okay I don't mean that but don't begin worrying about studying yet. I would say spend this time getting financially and mentally prepared for nursing school. Wish you the best!

done, done, and done. I guess there is nothing to worry about.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

I love this trhead since I am also starting my nursing classes in January. I am very excited about it and was feeling teh same way. My advisor at school actually gave me a Nurses Pocket reference book and a medical language text book so I am kind of looking through them to get a little extra prepared. I haven't bought any shoes or otehr equipment though but my husband is going to buy my stethescope for me for Christmas:redpinkhe Let me know if you come up with any ideas on otehr things though, I know everyone writes to rest but I think anythign that could make it easier would be nice :yeah:

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