Starting Last Semester


Specializes in CVICU/ER.

Well, here it is. My last semester of my BSN program. I can't wait to get this done, but I don't want to start in the morning. I know the volume of work it takes and I am just not mentally prepared to tackle this yet. I had a great Christmas with my son turning 4 and spending time with that little boy that I don't want to give it up. I understand there is a silver lining and I also know how fortunate I am, but man, this is going to be rough.

I wish everybody a great semester ahead.

Specializes in Women's Services.

I know how you feel. I have enjoyed this time off with my kids too. It was nice to be a normal person, not a crazy, stressed-out :eek: student nurse. But we have to keep pushing 'cause we are almost done. Once we get started we'll get back into the groove and the time will fly.

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

Good luck to you! Almost done - just hang in there :yeah:.

Specializes in Maternity.

i feel for you. especially because i can see myself feeling that way at that point. don't let it fall apart now, hang in there.


Specializes in None.

LOL I am in the same boat, I cant wait till May. I just might run across the stage!!!

Yep, I start my last semester on January 25th I think...I hope I get a good preceptor for all my leadership hours. The toughest part of this semester will be to find a job in Texas...since I live in Memphis. I gotta figure out that process of finding a job and taking the NCLEX out there.

Specializes in Tele, CVIU.

I feel your pain. I'm also about to enter my last semester. I just keep thinking about being DONE!!! I don't feel like exerting as much energy that I know is needed but I will because I know I'm so close to being finished. Hang in there and we'll all be done in no time.

Specializes in CICU.

Getting ready for my last semester too - can't wait for May! I am ready to get it finished.

Specializes in LTC.

I'm going into my LAST semester too. I feel ya, because I had a great vacation too and I am so not lookin forward to starting in the morning, but we are almost done, but I am really going to have to push myself this semester because I am really tired. I wish the best to all of you :yeah:

Hang in there! :)

i'm starting my 2nd semester tomorrow. i'm excited, but i'm soooo not ready to give up the lazy nights and sleeping in til 2! oh well...we'll get through it! hope yall have a great semester

Congratulations on coming this far! I wish you the best for a great last semester. :)

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