Spring 2018 TCC Nursing Students

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello all!

I am a pre-nursing student at Tarrant County College hoping to get into the Spring 2018 ADN program. I have found allnurses to be extremely helpful in regards to information about student stats and program requirements.

My current stats are:



Microbiology: In Progress

HESI A2: Scheduled next month

I'm currently studying Evolve's HESI preparation book. I wanted to create this discussion for questions, answers, and encouragement for Tarrant County College Spring 2018 hopefuls. I know it's a little early but hey, I'm excited. :)

I'm on the wrong thread........I have no idea how I got on this one........ I am so sorry................

No worries! Thank you for letting us know.

Hi all, I want to get in the vn program at tcc for fall 2018, the thing is that I mad a c in A&P 1 and a b in A&P 2 and my hesi results was a 74. What are my chances in getting in the cna fast track program?

Thank ya! I'm literally taking classes ahead of time towards my BSN I plan on applying to the LVN program there! However my struggle is Math!! I am going to go the PCT to LVN track and continue to take pre req classes you gave great advice, however any advice on the math portion? I am taking mine in December

I am also applying to the fast track also LVN program I have taken psychology and have s C in AP 1 I plan on taking AP 2 in the spring semester I take the Hesi in December... any advice on math section that is the only thing I am worried about

How was the math section in the Hesi? I also going to apply to the PCT to LVN program also... I have a C in AP 1 and taking AP 2 in the spring .. I have another required class that I made a B in psychology that would prob help boost getting in

Hi everyone!

I didnt apply for spring 2018, but I will be applying for fall 2018. My grades are A,B,B and a 87 on my hesi. Do you all know if someone got in with those scores? I will be taking my hesi again just in case.

Definitely would retake my HESI if I were you I applied this round and was selected as an alternate with 1 A and 2 Bs and 85.5 hesi and I know alternates who have 88-low 90s with the 2 Bs and 1 A .

Thank you! I will be taking the hesi test again real soon!

im applying for fall 2018 i have 2 A'S and a B with 89 on hesi. What are my chances of getting in? Should I retake Hesi or am I ok?

Did any of the alternates find out if they got in yet? If so what was your grades and hesi?

I plan to attend TCC for fall admission. I have 3 b's in my science courses & a 90% on me hesi. How do you guys calculate your overall grade that the program goes by?

I had 3B's and a 91 hesi the first time I applied and was put on the alternate list, but didn't get in. I retook A&P 2, got an A and reapplied. I was accepted and started this spring semester, so you may need to think about retaking a science course. I don't remember the exact way the points are calculated, but it is posted in one of the earlier threads. Hope this helps QUOTE=butlerjoni;9752837]I plan to attend TCC for fall admission. I have 3 b's in my science courses & a 90% on me hesi. How do you guys calculate your overall grade that the program goes by?

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