Spring 2018 TCC Nursing Students

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello all!

I am a pre-nursing student at Tarrant County College hoping to get into the Spring 2018 ADN program. I have found allnurses to be extremely helpful in regards to information about student stats and program requirements.

My current stats are:



Microbiology: In Progress

HESI A2: Scheduled next month

I'm currently studying Evolve's HESI preparation book. I wanted to create this discussion for questions, answers, and encouragement for Tarrant County College Spring 2018 hopefuls. I know it's a little early but hey, I'm excited. :)

Has anything major happened yet? I haven't received anything other than the acceptance form from them, which I accepted on time.

Did you send your acceptance confirmation to Jesse brown? If you did, he should have sent you a response with two attached files. One is for uniforms and the other is for forms of ID we need to bring with us on Wednesday.

No, I replied that I accepted to a Lisa Thomas, the one who sent me the email of acceptance.

I guess I'll call them tomorrow. I thought there would be some delay or something before they send anything, but I guess it's been 2 weeks, which made me post the previous question I had.

Another question is had they sent in the mandatory nursing info session dates yet? That way, if there's confusion, I'll show up there anyways.

Did you apply for the regular RN program? The orientation is Wednesday the 8th

Yes, I did. What do I need to bring, what time, and what is the location? Maybe the one who sent it to me forgot to send information to me.


Orientation??? I haven't gotten anything about orientation. I sent my acceptance to Lisa Thomas as well.

Looks like we're in the same boat. You might want to call them as well.

EDIT: I just actually spoke with Lisa recently.They actually haven't sent anything yet. They will send an e-packet with all the info you need to know via e-mail. They will send it soon, so no worries. At least for the regular RN program.

@ava_logusta: Did you sign up for the Fast Track?

Are you on the FB page for the spring 2018 semester? I had posted a question on there and a couple of students said it should be the first week in December like the 4th and 5th. We might get the email today or next week.

No, but now that you mentioned it, I should join.

No, I'm in the regular track. I got my acceptance email from Farley but yeah if you haven't received anything else yet, I would call.

No, I'm in the regular track. I got my acceptance email from Farley but yeah if you haven't received anything else yet, I would call.

Were you accepted to Tarrant County College? I do not recognize that name and that is not the dates that the upperclassmen were told. Just want to make sure.

I'm on the wrong thread........I have no idea how I got on this one........ I am so sorry................

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