Spring 2018 TCC Nursing Students


Hello all!

I am a pre-nursing student at Tarrant County College hoping to get into the Spring 2018 ADN program. I have found allnurses to be extremely helpful in regards to information about student stats and program requirements.

My current stats are:



Microbiology: In Progress

HESI A2: Scheduled next month

I'm currently studying Evolve's HESI preparation book. I wanted to create this discussion for questions, answers, and encouragement for Tarrant County College Spring 2018 hopefuls. I know it's a little early but hey, I'm excited. :)

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

mursegoals that's a solid score :cat: I had a B in a&p 1 as well, so I'm hoping As in the other two and a strong HESI score will make up for it. I'm taking it this Wednesday. I worked all through the evolve book and working my way through the McGraw hill book now.

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

I just came back from the HESI, 90.5 as well, so I think we are all going to present similar stats! Hopefully, it's great news for all of us. I'm thinking about retaking it, like you said, the B in AP1 makes me nervous.

Specializes in ED/Psych/Case Management.

Way to go Eleven, CNA. Thats awesome!

I am taking the Hesi this Wednesday because that is the only Wednesday I could get off from work. BUT I am not ready. So I guess I'm thinking of this as a practice run and I'll just take it again in June or July!

Specializes in ED/Psych/Case Management.

Absolutely, if you can take it again, don't stress. Plus, you never know. You might do really well! Good luck!

Specializes in Mother/Baby.

Funny story, I went to give my scores to UTA and they require the personality test and the learning skills or however it's called section. So I ended up taking it again there, got a 94.5 and I'll be submitting that with my application instead.

@cdavis I think you have plenty of time to watch some HESI brush up videos on youtube, and check out some practice tests. It's really basic knowledge things, nothing to stress over at all.

Hello ms. Tiff! Let me start by saying thanks for the info. I too am a lvn trying to get into tcc. I've been getting diff responses, so were you able to do online classes tge entire time with weekend clinicals? Ive been an lvn for 8yrs n wrk ft now doing hedis, so was worried I would have to quit because of school. And lastly, do you think your lvn helped make rn school harder or easier? Again thanks for all of your help!

I am currently enrolled in the LVN/EMT fast track. I applied with


AP 2:B

Micro: A

HESI 86%

I will be finished this August. I started last may. I don't know how much differs from my track with the regular students but I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Hello can you read my comment, not sure if it notified you or not. A newbie to this site! Thanks for your help

I'm also applying for Spring 2018.



Micro- in process, currently have an A.

Retaking Hesi in May. This Micro is sooooo hard. Omg!

Are you guys applying to more than one school? Also applying to El Centro and Grayson.

I am also an Lvn and I just plan on working on weekends only..leaving the weekdays open for lecture and clinical .. unfortunately I missed the deadline for the Fast-track program.

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