Spring 2016 MANE programs

U.S.A. Minnesota


Howdy everybody I'm pretty new here but I was wondering if there was anybody applying to the MANE programs for 2016? I sent out my applications last wednesday to NHCC and ARCC(hoping to get into ARCC in coonrapids) with composite scores of 11.67 and 11.42. I was told that the 11.42 is a good score to have at ARCC. But its so hard to know for sure!

I'm waking up somtimes freaking out that I forgot to add something to my application, or that I got the address wrong or that I spelled my own last name wrong. Then I have my coffee and turn on SNL to calm me down xD(its pretty ridiculous I know). Good luck to all of you. Hope you are not freaking out like me over everything related to the program till July 15th.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

3 months for me! They send them out as spots open. I had an idea when mine was going to come because I knew someone from these forums with the exact score. She got accepted before me (higher score in science portion)

Ugh! That's just pure torture! Do they do that all the way up to the month before the program starts then? Man, I sure hope it doesn't take that long!

Thanks Eman0! It is honestly such a relief. Maybe I just doubt my own abilities to much.

Where are you wait listed at? My tip is to get everything on the checklist done anyway (cpr certification, immunization record) you can find the list under "new nursing student" on your schools website. So when your letter does come you can accept right away and not worry. I didn't do that and I wish I had. Just in case you happen to get a letter a week from orientation.

I told you not to worry MusicRN :) I think it's more that you're really motivated and want this badly, and that's a really good thing!

I was put on the reconsider list for NHCC with an 11.4 :-( so depressing does anyone know how many people are put on the reconsider list? I have a friend in the nursing program at north hennepin who said she knew a handful of people thay were accepted and originally on the reconsider list

I'm not sure what the numbers are, but I was told to shoot for an upper 70's TEAS, with a 3.5-4.0. Of course, it's relative to who applies and how many, but id's guess you have a good shot at getting in still.

I really hope so! Ive worked so hard. I applied with a 4.0 and 74 TEAS score.

Do they look at your overall GPA and factor that in at all?

No, they look at the 4 core courses. So, communications, psychology, biology, and an art/humanities course. I know someone at NC who got in with a 72 TEAS score this spring. She doesn't have a 4.0.

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