Spring 2016 MANE programs

U.S.A. Minnesota


Howdy everybody I'm pretty new here but I was wondering if there was anybody applying to the MANE programs for 2016? I sent out my applications last wednesday to NHCC and ARCC(hoping to get into ARCC in coonrapids) with composite scores of 11.67 and 11.42. I was told that the 11.42 is a good score to have at ARCC. But its so hard to know for sure!

I'm waking up somtimes freaking out that I forgot to add something to my application, or that I got the address wrong or that I spelled my own last name wrong. Then I have my coffee and turn on SNL to calm me down xD(its pretty ridiculous I know). Good luck to all of you. Hope you are not freaking out like me over everything related to the program till July 15th.

Specializes in Pediatrics.


I've been following this thread passively, but wanted to share the information I have based on my experience. I received my letter today and was selected for admission for Spring 2016.

My GPA was 3.42, with TEAS score of 83.3. Composite score: 11.75

For anyone who is not selected or is applying for another term, don't give up, follow your dream it will come true with perserverence and focus. This has not been easy for me, this is the third nursing school I've applied to nationally.

Good luck to those working hard to get into nursing school, and congratulations to those that made the cut this time around! Remember nursing school is difficult to get into, but hard work always pays off.

I got my letter today. I am being waitlisted at NHCC for Spring 2016. I am still hopeful that I will be able to start and am grateful that at least it was not a denial. My GPA was 3.68 and my TEAS score was 71.27. Giving me a composite score of 10.91. Good luck to everyone else and crossing my fingers that a spot opens up for me.

I got in at both ARCC COON RAPIDS and NHCC!!!!! I can finally stop stress eating! Yeah I'm gonna go with ARCC so whoever is wait listed at NHCC can have my spot :). I honestly didn't get think that I could do it. At all! Now I just gotta pass nursing school xD.

Congrats, I know you've been super anxious, so that's awesome! Thanks for starting this post, as well. It's been helpful :)

I just opened mine, and was accepted at ARCC and NHCC :) I'm planning on accepting at NHCC, so another spot will open up! Good luck to you all

Specializes in Dermatology.

Any news from Century??? Congrats you everyone that got in 👏

I got waitlisted with a 10.8. Hey, it isn't a no! And you never know what could happen. :)

You'll get in! It might be a long wait but people apply to multiple schools s there will be multiple declines!

I really hope so!! Thanks for the encouragement; I am definitely okay with at least being reconsidered. :) If I don't make the cut, at least I can say that I almost did and try again!

CTN91, how long after the letters went out did you have to see if you got in? Do they roll them out as the spots open up?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Im in! NHCC this Spring my composite score was 11.27

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