Spring 2016 MANE programs

U.S.A. Minnesota


Howdy everybody I'm pretty new here but I was wondering if there was anybody applying to the MANE programs for 2016? I sent out my applications last wednesday to NHCC and ARCC(hoping to get into ARCC in coonrapids) with composite scores of 11.67 and 11.42. I was told that the 11.42 is a good score to have at ARCC. But its so hard to know for sure!

I'm waking up somtimes freaking out that I forgot to add something to my application, or that I got the address wrong or that I spelled my own last name wrong. Then I have my coffee and turn on SNL to calm me down xD(its pretty ridiculous I know). Good luck to all of you. Hope you are not freaking out like me over everything related to the program till July 15th.

Schools usually send it out ON the 15th. All except for Inver Hills. They were ahead of the game last semester.

Ugh, I figured we wouldn't get them ON the 15th. :( I was hoping, though. Well, I'm only in Plymouth, so hopefully it's here tomorrow! Here's to another day of dying! :(

I'm still stress eating over here! Good lord...

I think they know we all freak out on letter day and they are all secretly laughing at our peril.

Yeah, seriously, why isn't this handled via email? What takes 6 weeks to figure out? As with most things, there is probably more to it than meets the eye, but all they're doing is verifying that you've taken the pre-reqs and then adding your GPA to your TEAS score. It isn't that hard.

Right! In a perfect world, this would have been sent via email but no... We all live in the stone ages apparently.


Nothing in the mail again.

Still waiting for mine to come... Hopefully I'll hear something by Sunday.

PS. I wonder how many people applies for this round?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

So...... this wait sucks! So I emailed the Advisor to see if they even mailed out the letters and waiting for a response. Is it just me or is the nursing advisor ALWAYS busy and booked?!!??? I noticed the email I got last month states the letters will be mailed after 7/15......

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Letters were mailed out yesterday for NHCC and we are suppose to get them today according to Admissions...... we shall see! My mail doesn't come till later today anyways. And when I asked how many applications did they have this time her response was "You don't want to know!"

Great... Now my anxiety levels are higher than what they were before.

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