Special Needs Child Being Bullied: How can I keep my patient safe?

Specialties School


After 4 yrs of staff nursing, I switched to agency nursing. My latest assignment is caring for a special needs child in a public school. I've had this child since the last school yr.

I had to report an aide for slapping a child the first month I was there. The teacher witnessed the event and we discussed it. After realizing the teacher hadn't reported it, I did.

Subsequently, the teacher denied seeing anything and the aide was returned to full duty. The special needs student was slapped for attacking another student. I have witnessed this other child choke, kick, push, hit the smallest children in the class repeatedly.

My supervisor told me not to get involved because it was none of my business.

After witnessing a 3 yr old choked until he turned blue, I went to the principal. She gave me her cell number and told me to call if I witnessed future attacks. I did as she asked twice and she did nothing.

During this school year, numerous events have taken place with potential to harm my child. I can no longer take her out of her wheelchair and allow her to sit on the rug with the other students. The new aide in the class has told other parents of incidents. The principal thinks I divulged the information and asked that I be replaced.

I'm tired of watching children be abused and looking into the faces of their parents and knowing what I know. I don't mind being replaced, but I hate that these children will continue to be abused if nothing is done.

Is there anything I can do without losing my license?

Can I tell the parents their children are being hurt if I don't give the aggressor's name?

@ Nhnursie...all of the support from my fellow nurses have given me the courage, information, & support to do what I knew needed to be done. I'm blessed to have each & every one of [email protected] you! I was hoping that FERPA didn't have some crazy law that would hang me later.@ Nursel56...I am so sorry your niece experienced abuse at school. I hope she hasn't had any long term psychological problems from her experience. That's my biggest fear for these children. I must be naive to think it is their duty to report things like this to parents. Don't they have a right to know without the aggressor's name being disclosed? Is there something in FERPA that excludes them from reporting these incidents? My son's school sent me a note for everything. Of course, we had a preacher's wife in kindergarten & a grandmother in 1st. Unlike this school, his school encouraged parent involvement in the classroom. I spent 2 winter breaks while in nursing school in his classroom doing projects with the kids & helping the teacher.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

While they cannot name specific students involved, a public school can notify you of an incident and limited details. Generally you cannot name names of other students, especially if they are special needs. They won't even say if disciplinary action was taken because it varies depending on the student and their individual education plan/504 plan. There are different disciplinary procedures for a child with a known disability (such as a behavioral disability or diagnosis). Parent may be notified that their child has been changed classrooms if that is the decision but usually no information can be sent home regarding the other student.

So saying Mrs X, student Y hit your child today would be a violation. But Mrs. X, there was an incident today between your child and another student. Your child has a bruise, no injury, whatever. And we wanted you to be aware. You cannot name the other child, nor can you tell the victim's parent what type of disciplinary action was taken, if any. The school cannot tell the aggressor the details about the victim(s) such as "Mrs. X there was an incident in school today and your child hit and injured another student. This is how we are going to handle the situation regarding your child." They cannot say the name or any other details about the victim. (Though parents talk and some students talk it is not the position of the school, nurse, administrator or other staff member to reveal such details. )

The only information that would be shared is if it was an absolute zero tolerance (such as a gun or knife was involved in the incident and local police were involved) that local law enforcement or child protective services were involved. And even in that case, it's likely that you'll be told that Officer X or Ms. J from CPS will be contacting you with more information.

JustBeachyNurse...I thought that's how it was supposed to be. Wouldn't that have been easier to tell parents instead of them finding out through anonymous sources that their children are being hit? Now, the parents are furious because they had no idea anything was happening. Since its a new school yr, many of them thought their children were still experiencing separation anxiety with the exception of one child. His mother knew by his behavior that something wasn't right but was lied to when she asked. Glad to see there are nurses like you who know the rules & still advocate. Wish this school had a nurse like you :-)

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
.@ Nursel56...I am so sorry your niece experienced abuse at school. I hope she hasn't had any long term psychological problems from her experience.

She's an amazingly strong young woman today. Her childhood had been complicated by so many damaging experiences both by her dysfunctional mother who got an emotional pay-off by having a sick daughter - and some in the field of child psychiatry. I wonder if I could've weathered what she did and come out with a positive outlook on life. Thanks for your expression of concern. ♥

Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

Thank you so much for the update. What I can't believe is that your supervisor is okay with all other nurses keeping quiet! That sickens me more than the usual suspects. Our special needs children and school aged children in general have no voice. Again, I thank you for speaking up and being their voice. By replacing you, that supervisor continues to bury abuse that may one day haunt her/him. Kudos to you!!

I had to report a doctor and parents for neglect because the doctor openly admitted that she wouldn't see one of my children (her patient) and deemed him as OK (I sent him home for an elevated temp of 100 and urine-consistency diarrhea) because a fever isn't anything below 100.4 and diarrhea is only a problem if it's happening 5-6 times a day. (It was 8:10 when I sent him home..school starts at 8 so I'm sure he had at least 5-6 that day...) The boy is a non-communicating austic and when I asked how she thought he felt she said, "He didn't tell me he wasn't feeling well so he must be doing fine". SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! I advised the parents that they may want to start seeing a new physician but they expressed no concern and backed up her statements!! Both the parents and doctor said that I was dumb for sending him home and that I don't know how to do my job. I give my heart out to disabled children, especially when their parents aren't even advocated for their health.

Update! It appears I've been hung out to dry! My supervisor realized she was in serious trouble so she called me & offered to give me another assignment that she hasn't even confirmed. Then, she called my student's mother & told her I took another position. The mother didn't know any better so she sent her child back to school. The mother called me the day she sent her child back to school to let me know that she had witnessed first hand what happens in that classroom & so had my supervisor. The mother wants me back & has voiced her desire to reinstate me. However, since my agency replaced me, I can't even get a return call from them much less an assignment. I'm at my wits end with this whole situation. I have done everything I have been told to do. I've followed all of the advice on here except going pubic which I can't do. I'm not a depressed person by nature but this has knocked me to my knees. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do now besides look for another job?

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

By all means look for another job, but it is the childs mother who needs to insist that the agency take you back. If you even want to work for them after all this.

It really BLOWS that you are getting screwed for doing the right thing and I truly hope something wonderful comes from it for you.

Try not to regret your actions though because could you truly have remained part of the circle allowing this abuse?

It is not fair for you to pay this price, but I don't think you could have dealt with it any other way.

Thank you, CrunchRN! I'm currently looking for another job. A little worried because of references because I have worked for this company for 18 months. I can't afford a bad reference. Also, I don't regret my decision to report the abuse. I only regret not calling CPS first and letting them sort this out. I wish I had never told my supervisor or my company. Apparently, their only concern is money & not the welfare of individuals. I'm chalking this up as a lesson learned the hard way. I was naive to think that all healthcare providers had some amount of decency. I was dead wrong & I'll deal with whatever comes of this. I'm praying that none of them attempt to mess with my license. If they do, I'm going to be a lot more than mad. If it comes to that, the whole world will know what's going on over there. I'm fed up with being bullied by corporate policies & dishonest people. This has emotionally depleted me.

Specializes in school RN, CNA Instructor, M/S.

As an agency school nursing supervisor i am extremely proud of you!!! i wish i ceould do more but i want you to know i support you in everything you have done so far. now it is time to take care of you tho. please get in touch with NASN (National Association of School Nurses) chapter in texas and your malpractice attorney for guidance. you will be in my thoughts and prayers. be proud of yourself, you were thinking of those students!!

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