Published Nov 9, 2004
Spazzy Nurse, RN
499 Posts
A friend of mine (who also went through EC) and I had a little celebration once we finished up with the program and I made a little website in honor of it. One day not too far down the line you will all be celebrating too!! :)
(It is full of pictures and stuff, so it works best if you have a high speed connection. Remember to turn on your sound!)
mona b RN, BSN, RN
769 Posts
A friend of mine (who also went through EC) and I had a little celebration once we finished up with the program and I made a little website in honor of it. One day not too far down the line you will all be celebrating too!! :) is full of pictures and stuff, so it works best if you have a high speed connection. Remember to turn on your sound!)
Aww...the link won't work. I was all ready to see something good too :)
207 Posts
It looks like you and Tree had a ball. Nice photos. I will be having a celebratory party after I take boards.
We deserve it after that darn CPNE!!!
Let's live it up:)
Spazzy,It looks like you and Tree had a ball. Nice photos. I will be having a celebratory party after I take boards.We deserve it after that darn CPNE!!! Let's live it up:)
I still cannot access the link.
1,245 Posts
me either
going to vegas again in Jan.
Okay, I got on the site to see some of the pics. What a riot. You guys must have had a ball. Spaz, you are very lucky to have such a close gal pal. Now I have to pass the cpne cause I'm gonna party like you did.
BTW, I wonder what happened to Turban guy.
802 Posts
What a hoot, a LITTLE celebration? Honey from my boring perspective, that was a shindig for sure!! :rotfl:
I'm not one for Vegas, heck I'm not really one for anywhere crowded but I'm thinking with a glass or two of wine (yeah it don't take much, rmember I'm old)I too could have a good time.
The two of you worked hard and deserve to cut loose. Glad it turned out to be a great time and another memory for two who have been friends so long.
Very Fun!!! I took my wife for our 5th anniversary and now we are going back for our 10th in january
Thanks guys. :)
It's a freebie website, meaning low bandwidth, meaning only a couple of people can look at the site within a certain time frame...... which is why you may have trouble seeing it. Sorry.
Jo Dirt
3,270 Posts
That website was far out. I want to go.
Thanks. And you will. :)
180 Posts
Wow- how much fun was that. I had a great time just looking at the pictures. How great it must be to have such a wonderful friend to have shared it with. My next trip may just be Vegas!!