Some potentially helpfull info :)


I don't know if this will be helpfull to your studying/nerves/knowledge or not but I thought I's post it just incase it might help someone. I only utilized some of these because of time constraints but check them out...

1. This link is to a page on the National Board of Nursing Page. It includes 2 powerpoints, (they take a minute to load) one is an example pass and one is an example fail. If you watch the powerpoint (it changes slides and animated bullets on its own once it loads) it will show you a chart of the individuals ongoing performance on the exam.

2. This link has links to FREE NCLEX style quizzes and also resources about pay for service study areas. Also has good forum.

3. Aside from the allnurses forum, this forum was helpfull. You have to scroll down past the title and products to get to the postings. It is used mostly by international Nclex takers so you have to skim the titles to decide what you want to read. At the bottom of the page are links to past forum postings because it fills up fast...some of these postings are very helpfull and very informative about actual NCLEX ?'s. :uhoh21:

4. A site with free NCLEX quizzes, some of the "study guides links" are things you have to pay for but on the left hand column where it says practice ?'s and has different sections, those are free

5. Here is Mosby's online Computer Adaptive Test. I signed up for it (1 month, unlimited use for like $40) I never got to use it though because I had a bunch of issues just getting a login name and getting in...customer service is nice though but for me I ended up taking the exam before any of their interventions helped. Others have stated it helped though...?

6. A COMPLETE INDEX OF FREE PRACTICE NCLEX Q'S that I personally liked the few I did.

7. Not at all sure about this has some review info and some test taking tips/strategies. I didn't use it on my exam because apparently I found this site, saved it and never really read it.

8. Here is the link off of NCSBN.ORG to their learning extension online NCLEX review. I bought 3 weeks for like $49.oo and really liked it, mostly for ?'s.

Again, I did not use all of this info but I found and saved it and maybe some of you will make good use of it. I hope it helps... I know this is a stressfull time and I def. don't want to make it worse. I can't say any of it is "the golden ticket" to passing the exam...I passed but it is hard and a miz of ?'s and content review is a necesity. GOOD LUCK!!! :)

Specializes in NICU.

What a great post!! I'm sure a lot of people here will find this all very helpful, thanks for such a great post! :)

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

Thanks for posting these!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Way to go! Thanks :)

What a great post. congratulations! and thanks for share.

I am taking my exam on the 29 this month, need some help to really understand math questions, do you know an easy way to understand the type of problem that you face?

I am taking Mosby Cat, and learning extension, thanks!

Taking my kaplan last exam this 24 sunday, real exam on the 29, how exciting, if i pass i will move from PCT at a vascular floor to the ER as an RNNNNNNNNNNNNN! super cool, finger cross for me guys, any tips welcome to my mail box.

Guys another thing is the herbs, need to read at leat the must important ones. where?

Thank you so much, without you i can't make it! :uhoh3:

Ulices, a Cuban nurse trying to be a nurse in the Us!

The Caring4you website has a great math tutorial program, that you should find helpful for you NCLEX preparation. Try it out and see if it is what you are looking for.

Best of luck on the NCLEX.

Excellent links! Hopefully they will make this a sticky.



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