*Some Advice* What do you tell yourself when you didn't get the job?


Specializes in ER, gen. surgery, express.

I've been applying/stressing for about 4+ (going on 5) months now.

On September 7th I went for my first nursing interview... and I was overjoyed that I was finally called.

I prepared for the interview, researched and roleplayed. I felt the interview went decent- they were really easy going. I dropped off a Thank You card the next day.

They said the successful applicants will be called in 2 weeks... (well it will be 2 weeks tomorrow) I haven't heard anything...

so, with everything this has become rather discouraging and a huge hit to my self confidence. It was a Nursing Resource Team position. With an awesome orientation phase.... and they had a new grad program.

It felt like a perfect fit.

A lot of people from my graduating class got jobs at this hospital... and I keep thinking What am I doing wrong...:confused:

Also... I networked and had a great time at my pre-grad clinical rotation. They told me about a new floor opening up and that I should apply because I will most likely get called. They all reassured me like crazy. I spoke to the manager, she wrote my name down.

I applied... Never got called for an interview BUT my male classmate did. He's never even stepped foot in that hospital....

So, I'm just trying to not let this get to me and push me into a rut.

Something eventually has got to give right? :crying2:

Hope this doesn't turn into a year of this.....

In November I have to start making payments to my student loan. My stress levels are through the roof- it keeps me up at night and is becoming all I can think about

Has anyone been in my shoes?? Any advice

I also have registered for an ACLS and EKG course... (I was hoping that this would set me apart... but I have to wait for them to get the scheduling straight) another stressor :down:

Specializes in LTC.

you could always call and ask if they need further info. and if you didnt get the job ask what you could to do to improve.

For the long haul consider working in your previous line of work while job hunting for a nursing position. This is what many have to do to make those loan payments.

Specializes in Hospice.

I always took some comfort in reminding myself that it was probably the wrong job. Clearly, the interviewer decided that I would not be good at the job they were offering. Wouldn't want to spend more than half my waking life at a job I wasn't good at with a team that didn't like or value my work.

That may be just sour grapes, though.

Just don't obsess so much on the "no thanks" that you forget to keep looking for the "yes, we want to work with you".

I understand the sense of desperation, though ... I was two days out from defaulting on my mortgage when offered the job that I now love. Took ten months - about the average length of unemployment these days. My credit rating is trashed and will take quite a while to fix. But I'm eating regularly, I still have a roof over my head and my job is giving me the means to dig out. Life sucks at times, but it still beats the alternative.

Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do to keep fed and sheltered.

Take a look at long term acute care or skilled nursing facilities ... lots of skills practice there. I know it's not the conventional wisdom, but I have a feeling that will change over the next few years.

Maybe we ought to have an ongoing support thread specifically for nurses who are unemployed?

Specializes in Government.

After being laid off/unemployed for 3 months (something I never thought would happen to me) I am now in the weird position of trying to sift through resumes for a co-worker. I love my job and my boss, a non-nurse, has asked me to narrow 57 resumes down to a manageable 5 for interview/potential hire.

I can absolutely guarantee there is often a random factor/luck involved. My boss will never see the 52 resumes I reject. So, if I prefer BSNs? The ADNs/diploma grads get weeded out. If I screen for helpful experiences, another cut. Asked for too much money?? Another cut, and so on.

I would say do apply for jobs for which you are qualified. 12 of the RNs who applied for our opening have only neonate or peds experience. The job is in Occupational Health!

On the gender issue...I once had to wait an additional 6 weeks to be hired for a government job so that my boss could prove she tried to hire a nurse who was male. The affirmative action committee insisted.

Specializes in Rehab, critical care.

If you feel as though the interview went well, then I am sure it did; you did everything you could do to get this position, sent the thank you note, etc, and it just didn't work out, which stinks. However, I'm a firm believer that the right job will come at the right time. That doesn't mean that you don't have to work for it, but you sound motivated. Taking the ACLS class certainly can't hurt.

You mentioned it was for the "nursing resource team." This sounds like a "float" position in which the RN floats to the unit that is short-staffed for the day. While they may orient you well, I wouldn't think a float position would be ideal for a new grad. It's enough for a new grad just to learn one unit rather than floating to ICU, ER, everywhere. That may not have been the best position anyway. (If I am wrong, correct me). Just keep plugging away....unfortunately, sometimes the bills come first, so if you have to take a less ideal position first just to pay bills that is not in your dream hospital, maybe try that for a year or so (and you would still gain valuable skills like the previous poster mentioned, and who knows, you may find that you like it.) There's LTC/subacute, rehab, psych, etc that typically have higher turn-overs so they are more willing to hire new grads.

I can attest to this as I had to do this last year to pay the bills as I had just relocated to the area for my hubby's job, the area was saturated with new grads and very few positions, and it turned out fine. While it wasn't my ideal nursing area, I learned a lot and met some great people. Now I have just started in my dream hospital/nursing unit. It does happen....just try to stay positive, keep plugging away, and you will be working in no time. Are there any flu shot clinics that you could try to help you pay the bills as you job hunt? I believe there is a whole section on Mollen on here somewhere.....

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
I also have registered for an ACLS and EKG course... I was hoping that this would set me apart...
While I advocate taking those classes, I don't think that they set you apart because many, many new grads take those classes.
Specializes in ICU.

I don't want to come across as rude, but welcome to nursing and the real world as it is today. I've got a ton of experience and have been looking for work longer than you have without any luck. All I can say is 'get used to it' and keep trying.

Specializes in ER, gen. surgery, express.
I don't want to come across as rude, but welcome to nursing and the real world as it is today. I've got a ton of experience and have been looking for work longer than you have without any luck. All I can say is 'get used to it' and keep trying.

wow... yeah I know definitely HARSH reality

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

Wait, but what about the nursing shortage?


Specializes in Ortho, Med-Surg, Tele, Case Management.

I'm sorry but I've graduated nursing school and it's been over 2 years and still no job and only a handful of interviews. Like Biffbradford said, sorry to say but welcome to the harsh world of nursing as it is today :( Long gone the days when new nurses were hired before leaving nursing school and were being offered that lucrative sign on bonus :cry:

Specializes in Public Health, School, Camp.
I'm sorry but I've graduated nursing school and it's been over 2 years and still no job and only a handful of interviews.

I'm right there with you. I graduated in 2009. I've had a handful of mixed experiences and interviews, but still have yet to land a "career path" nursing job. Welcome to the real world where the job market is competitive and the hospitals have their pick of experienced nurses applying.

Hang in there. It's what I tell myself nearly every day.

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