SO many kids out sick today


Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

I have 10 kindergarteners and 8 first graders out (my school is small), as well as 4 teachers. My own son (11 years old) has a bad ear infection and cold...'Tis the season...

Oh, man! When I start having lots of people out, I email the staff to WASH THEIR HANDS and offer some of my hospital grade wipes for frequently touched objects (door handles, phone receiver, pencil sharpener, ect)

I have SOOOOOO many kids that WISH they were out sick today! Hopefully your kiddos bounce back quickly!!!

Specializes in school nursing.

We have 48 kids absent in my little school of 278! ....and I'm starting to feel a little something, well enough of a something I made a dr apt :no:

Specializes in med-surg, IMC, school nursing, NICU.

I have been all over the kids and staff about hand hygiene lately. The kids are TERRIBLE this year. If I see one more student just sneeze a cloud of yuck into the air with nary a tissue or elbow in sight, I might scream.

I have been wiping down doorknobs, phones, computer mice and keyboards with my super strong sanitizing wipes, as well.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

I have taught my students to sneeze into their shirts, most won't, but it really is the best and most polite method. We have closed the school for a 25% absentee rate in the past.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.
I have taught my students to sneeze into their shirts, most won't, but it really is the best and most polite method. We have closed the school for a 25% absentee rate in the past.

Wow! What was the illness? How do you actually close the school? I think it was maybe two years ago that a school (or two maybe) in the Boston area was closed for Norovirus, but haven't heard of anything since then in our area. I can't imagine what a PITA it must be to shut a school down

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

It happened before I worked here, when I was but a parent. There was norovirus and right before winter break. They emailed parents that morning and had someone here to explain. Students were bummed because there was no PJ and breakfast day, but it cleared the illness and all was better after break.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

We almost had our school closed down a couple years ago. Our otherwise healthy 6th graders started getting very sick, very quickly. Diagnosis was pneumonia - like "I can see it on the xray from out in the hall" type pneumonia. My daughter was 2nd one diagnosed. There were about 10 total and our class size is around 40-45. The medical director at the clinic wanted the school shut down and their classrooms checked out for mold, legionnaire's in vents, etc. Luckily, we had a 3 day weekend and the school found a company to come in and check everything. We never did find out what caused it all, but it was really strange.

Specializes in School Health.

~'Tis the season~ yuck

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