So I've been picked as an "alternate"


Got a letter in the mail from a school I applied to for their nursing program this fall. They said I'm neither accepted or denied at this point, that if somebody who is accepted doesn't end up attending for whatever reason that I may be accepted at that point. But I won't be able to know for sure until 2 weeks before the semester begins. Has anybody here been accepted into the nursing program as an "alternate"? I hope I'm accepted, but it doesn't give me much planning time and getting things together to find out 2 weeks before the semester begins. Should I go ahead and apply for student loans now just in case I get in so I know that I can pay for it and start at that time? Or is it too soon for that?

Specializes in General adult inpatient psychiatry.

When I applied for NS, I was "wait listed" when the letters of acceptance went out at the end of May. I received a letter in the mail in the middle of July saying that I'd been taken off of the waiting list and was officially accepted. One of my classmates had a similar story. I think sometimes people may apply to multiple schools and if they decide not to go to one school, their spot must go to someone on the waiting list. I was told that most people got off of the waiting list with ample time to prepare for school.

I would go ahead and figure out loans before you get accepted if possible. I don't know much about how loans work (I was already a student at the school I went to NS for, so if I wasn't accepted I'd have just waited and taken some more classes, and applied for spring semester) but see if it's possible to plan for them. Better safe than sorry, right? Good luck!

Specializes in Neuro.

I was second alternate in my program. It was my first time applying and when I was wait listed I just dismissed it. Then, two weeks later I received my acceptance letter.

Now I am going to be entering my fifth semester and I've outlasted a lot of people who were accepted in the first round and people who had been applying for years.

Don't stress. Alot of people apply to many schools and you will probably make it in! Good luck!

This gives me hope. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm so ready to get started! I'm going to go ahead and apply for loans now. I'd rather know now if I can get them or not and I guess I can always turn it down if I don't get accepted for the fall. Thanks for your replies!

I was accepted as an alternate to my ADN program last year. There were about 12 alternates in total, and all of them got a spot in the program. However a few dropped out because they couldn't pass the 1st or 2nd semester. I would make sure that you have your fingerprint clearance card, required vacinations, and any other documentation, and submit them to nursing department on time.

Specializes in ICU.

I was #19 (!) on my Accelerated BSN program's waiting list, and got in.

Being an alternate is a LOT better than being rejected - there's still a good chance you might get in.

Good Luck!

Specializes in telemetry/med surg.

I say congrats, because my sister was an alternate (first round) last year, and she literally didnt get in until 5 days before the program started. She went ahead and had everything done that she could do early all she had to do was her shots, and she was done.

Specializes in Hopefully future pediatric nurse.


I was also placed as an alternate, I was #8 and they send me an email a week after our orientation stating I had been accepted into the program. So don't stress it, you still have a great possibility of getting in! :yeah:

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro (2yrs); Mom/Baby (6yrs); LDRPN (4+yr).

I was originally 'wait listed' for this fall (my school takes 60 students each year, and puts 20 on the wait list). They told us we could find out at any time, up to 2 weeks before the start of classes, that we had been pulled into the program.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait that long and got the phone call 2 days after spring grades went in. :D

Good luck!

Well, I just got turned down for student loans. I've never been turned down for any loans ever. I don't understand. I guess they really make it hard to get student loans. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have good credit. I'm just so frustrated. This school doesn't participate in the federal loan programs so I applied for private loans. I also don't qualify for grants. Maybe it's just not meant to be.:crying2:

Specializes in telemetry/med surg.

Have you tried through your local employment office? At our office here for Texas they have whats called WIA or Women in Action (dont know if its in the US or just Texas) and they pay 100 percent for the schooling if you qualify and their terms arent bad at all.

Specializes in ICU.

I was waitlisted for fall quarter, our waitlist had 50 people on it. About a month and a half after I received my waitlist later I was accepted! There is hope!

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