snow anyone?

Nurses General Nursing


:eek: :D :eek: :eek:

It's Christmas Eve Day and we have SNOW in OHIO..

so cool.

Merry Christmas Everyone


All you people who don't want snow, send a little extra this way, but not all at once, okay? I don't even mind a little cold.

Heck, I even enjoy a couple of below zero days. Just as long as there don't get to be too many in a row. Gives a person a good excuse to stay home and snuggle. And if you do have to go out it weeds out all the sissies.

Here in Pittsburgh, we arose Christmas morning to big poofy flakes of snow falling! So pretty.

Two weeks ago we were running around in 70+ degree weather and I never expected a white Christmas.

I love snow at Christmas. Come Jan. 2nd, I'll be ready for the daffodils to start popping up.

Okay, the snow was pretty but now it's COLD here and I want to move to a warmer state. I say that every year but someday I'm going to do it. :eek:

Two more kids to get thru high school and on to college and I'm going to talk DH into moving to a warmer place like FLA, Calif, any suggestions?

I want a "low" cost of living state that is warm all year round. :cool: :cool: :cool:

Kewl....are you still with us or did you get buried alive??!!

Leslie, I'm still here in Ohio, dreaming about being in the sunshine somewhere else though !

The Salt trucks have been out all day and that makes me wonder what is in store for us ! Earlier in the month we also had temps into the 70's. I can live with

My husband is in Michigan today and he called to say that there were quite a few accidents on the slippery roads he was traveling on.. yikes !

Good luck to you in Indiana ! Ft. Wayne was great yesterday, just cold, didn't notice any snow.


We lived in Seattle for 4 years and only got one day of snow. I used to make my husband drive me to the mountains to trudge in it on Christmas. Then he moves me to Central NY. "See, you'll finally have snow!" Right. No snow, no mountains. Buffalo - you're hogging it all:D

Originally posted by Lausana

Kewl....are you still with us or did you get buried alive??!!

Yep still here, go look at my topic "living in hell, aka wintrer in Buffalo.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Buffalo ? Are you okay? 50 inches of snow total? Let us know.

Everythign is fine, of course everything is shut down, driving bans and stuff but otherwise everything is fine, 'cept I'm out of beer and must venture out to find an open store, of course i'll carry my hospital ID incase i'm stopped:p .

I don't let the weather keep my down, hate it, but i don't let it keep me down. My mother got pummeled with the 50", ahe'about 5 miles south of me towards the "traditional snow belt", we only have about 40, but there's more on the way. Snow bands can be pretty narrow, 4 feet in one area and a few inches only a mile or so a way, kinda weird, it great if your a weather geek. already went through 1/2 gallon of gas in the snow blower, thats a lot for a 8 hp engine, usually only use that much for the whole year.

Glad to hear you are ok ! Just heard that as much as 70 inches have fallen.. WOW:eek: :eek: :eek:

Keep us posted and be careful venturing out for the Beer

yep 70" sounds about right, it can't psooibly snow anymore, my snowblower can't reach the top of the mounds i have already made, and that measn, gasp, i would have to shovel!

Originally posted by kewlnurse

yep 70" sounds about right, it can't psooibly snow anymore, my snowblower can't reach the top of the mounds i have already made, and that measn, gasp, i would have to shovel!

Gad Zooks! A snowblower is of no use, I can't fathom that much snow, since 1978 when we had a blizzard..geez. We didn't even have that much snow then.

So you must have gotten some beer ? lol:p :p :p

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