Sleeping Habits


Hi I'm a nursing student that happens to be a night owl. I study and focus better at night. When I began my 1st semester of nursing school I had 1p classes (thank goodness!) and so studying was easy because I could sleep in. Next semester I have a few 8ams. My problem is that I'm having problems sleeping and can't fall asleep before 2a. I've been trying to fix my schedule, so that I can exercise, read, or anything that could help me fall asleep. I was wondering if anyone has bad sleeping patterns and could give me advice on how to correct it or ways to fall asleep easier. Thanks!!

Specializes in ER.

Naps! If you are able to nap after your 8am class try it.

If you get so you can pop off for a quick 1-2 hours you'll be a step up when that shiftwork starts, nights will be easy.

I'd avoid napping after class, that's only going to HELP you stay up later. Exercise is good, you just don't want to do it too late, at least 3 hours before going to bed. It's helpful to try to do it little by little, try cutting it down by like a half hour at a time. It's best to keep the TV, and Computer off for at least 30minutes before bed. Do something soothing like write in a journal or something that will help you relax. Don't study, do work or anything in bed besides sleep and sex. Eating turkey, baked potato and warm milk before bed are things said to work. And last advice I can offer is get in a schedule, try to go to bed and rise at the same time every day. That is really what's best for us!!

I hope this was helpful, If I can think of anything else I will come back and post!!!

First, drop any and all forms of caffeine. Next, exercise in the morning for at least 30 minutes. Meditate at least once during the day even if in the library- deep breathing with soft music on ipod, next eat light dinner and go to bed before 10. When in bed, no tv, computer, phone etc. Put the same music you meditate to on the ipod and do deep breathing until you fall quickly asleep. i am asleep so fast it isn't even funny and i have been waking up refreshed at 5:45 or 6 ready to begin my day. Take care of your body!

It is okay to be a night owl but if it is interfering with your ability to wake up on time and succeed in your classes then maybe some changes need to be made. After you are finished with class for the day, go ahead and try to knock out some studying and homework if you can. Try to get to bed at a reasonable time to where you will have 7 or so hours of sleep...that may mean starting to study earlier than you are used to..cutting out some tv and facebook time. If you are having trouble adjusting to getting to bed on time then stay up til your usual time and get up early for your not take naps even if you are really tired and then go to bed at an earlier time..if you are really tired, you should fall asleep pretty quickly. This is what I do to get myself on a regular sleeping schedule. If this still isn't working try taking melatonin..I do not encourage this all the time but it has helped me on nights when I was stressing over a test and couldn't get to bed. You can find it at Walmart or drugstores with the of these about 30 minutes before you are ready for bed and it works like magic. Just don't abuse it ;)

I have the same problem, I'm a born night-owl. I can't wait to work the night shift as a nurse! I know this isn't the healthy response, but I actually find it easier to NOT sleep until after class, then I come straight home and go to sleep from about 2-8pm. I know it's a very strange schedule, but it is what works for me! But if you try to sleep at night don't exercise at night because it will end up giving you more energy. Also, try some Yogi Bedtime tea! And avoid stimulation, like stay off the computer and TV for a few hours before bedtime and reading my massive med/surg book at bedtime always works like a charm too!

I'm definitely a night person..I work nights as an extern now haha. It seems all my clinicals are 6:45 in the morning, and lectures are at 8:00. I HAAAATE waking up early, but love working all night. For some reason, the days I have to wake up early, I'm usually tired by 10 that night. Try some benadryl the EVENING(not night cuz you don't wanna oversleep) before class or something. Maybe some relaxation music?? Youtube is full of relaxation music lol

Specializes in VA-BC, CRNI.

I had the same issue last semester. My class didn't start until 9, but between a long commute and having to take my kids to daycare, I left around 7. I had serious struggles to stay awake driving in each morning. At some point, I finally adjusted and started going to bed earlier. Unfortunately, we've been on break for a month and I'm back to my late nights. I'm dreading the readjusting this week.

if you are a night owl, the best way to do it is nap! helps you rest after you wake up early, and keeps you up just like you like.

Thanks guys!! I wrote down a list of ya'lls ideas and I'll definitely give them a try! I think I definitely have to stick with it. I know that I do it one time and then realize that I don't have to wake up early the next day and break the routine. I'll def try to stick with it! Thanks again!!

"Sleeping! There's no sleeping in nursing school".

All the other suggestions especially exercise in the AM help incredibly. And best of all, nursing books in bed, knock out all students where they are best used as pillows!

Ambien helps to reset the clock.

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