SJRSC Spring 2014 applying/hopeful

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone!

I thought I would start a topic in regards to SJRSC's spring 2014 Nursing Program. :nurse:

Today was the 1st day they started accepting applications for spring 2014. I have worked my fingers to the bone in order to get all the required prereqs done in time to be able to apply today and I am so excited, yet nervous. From what I understand we wont be notified until 2 weeks after the last day of application turn ins, Sept. 30, so we have about 6 weeks to ponder our fate. To hope. To dream. To wait. And wait. And wait. Lol. So I figured there may be some other SJRSC 2014 hopefuls out there besides me and by opening up this topic I hope to chat, daydream, share info, and frankly, just be able to talk about any part of the process with someone who "gets it".....because my hubby does not, and hes probably sick of hearing about it already. Haha. Maybe not, hes a good guy, but still I need some other hopefuls to chat with. :) ;)

I was sooo nervous too! My husband thought I was a freak because I was only dropping an application not interviewing.....hahaha. Doesn't matter, I was skeered. Lol. I'm gonna cry either way, whether I got in or not. If I get in, ill be screaming and jumping up and down alongside my tears, but if I don't....oh Lord, there will be tears and the ugly cry and maybe a toddler temper tantrum on my floor. Haha.

HAHA! I will be right there with you doing the same thing! My husband thought the same thing about me! I'm hoping it arrives Monday or Tuesday lol I am sure its a little early but i don't care - i want it nnnowwwwww!

Impatiently waiting! Has anyone heard anything? I really hope we find out this week - hopefully before Friday - as I am going out of town and wont be back until Monday!

I didn't get anything yesterday. I left early today and won't be hm till tomorrow night, so I have no idea if I have a letter or not. Waiting sucks! Lol.

Nothing in the mail today! i leave tomorrow night and wont be home until Sunday :( I am so anxious!

I just got a text from a friend who also applied for spring, she got her letter today. She didn't make it in unfortunately, but the letter did come in the mail today! I'm on my way home from Orlando, I can't wait to get home and see if its there!!!

Omg!!! I got my letter today!! It was in a big manilla envelope.......and I got in!!!!! Omg, I'm so excited! Anyone else get their letter??

My letter came in the mail today too! I am in Tampa and had my mother in law call me if it came in lol. I GOT IN!!!!! So stinking excited!!!

That's awesome! We will have to officially "meet" on orientation day!! :)

Yes we will! I wonder if the schedule is the same each year - i am worried about how my job is going to work out with the first semester of nursing school - but oh welll - i can not wait for school to start!

Idk about the schedule, but I wish we did,my curiosity wants to know everything now. Not in November, haha. Guess that's true for all type A personalities, which I'm guess most nursing students are. Lol. And I don't work but I do homeschool 3 of 4 children and that's going to be a very interesting transition for us....scary transition, lol. Do u have children?

Will we find out everything in Nov? hope so - gosh it seems so far away, but less than a month until orientation! Im so ready for this semester to be over - these classes are killing me lol. I have two daughters - one who is 8(9 next month) and the other is 20months today!

My husband lives in Tampa right now for school - so juggling all 3 class work and now nursing school will be interesting to say the least lol - hopefully I will be able to keep some part of my sanity!

Im interested to see how difficult it is going to be - a part of me hopes it isnt as awful as people say, but I seriously doubt that!

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