Hello everyone,
This is a request from one of the nursing administrators at the hospital where I work. I am the librarian here and am researching this for her. I really hope you all share your knowledge and information with her. I appreciate your time reading this.
She would like to know:
When a patient passes, a notification (sign) is put on the room to let other staff and other service providers know that services are no longer needed. This is courtesy signage. It also allows the family some time in the room. We would like to know what this signage looks like at other facilities. We did hear that one hospital used a picture of a tree.
What type of signage is your facility using in this type of situation? Does it have wording on it? Would you be willing to share a picture of your sign or at least a description?
Do you have a contact person we could talk to?
Thank-you in advance for you help,
Deweydecimal13501 (Halyna)