Greetings to all.
I just discovered this site only hours ago through a friend of mine. I am absolutely overjoyed to have stumbled upon such an amazing site such as this one. I am writing this post because...I am seeking outside encouragement...or advice...from other healthcare professionals whom can provide me with an outside perspective.
Presently I am an NP, however, I have never worked as fact...I have never utilized any of my nursing licenses...neither my LVN or RN. I was inspired to become a nurse when I was 14 after being hospitalized for an extended period of time by the nurses who provided me daily care. When it became time for me to pursue a nursing education I soon realized upon the completion of my LVN program that although I loved nursing I was not yet comfortable practicing nursing yet. Eventually, after competing my RN program, I still felt the same way...and my fears and insecurities as a nurse prevented me from once again accepting any job offers and thus I refrained from utilizing another license which I worked extremely hard to obtain. I than decided to stay busy and further my studies which culminated in an APN degree...but fears only increased because of the heightened level of autonomy, increased scope of practice, and responsibilities required of APN's. After fulfilling my educational goals and dreams...I never was able to muster the courage to secure any nursing job either as a nurse nor as a midlevel provider. With my education complete, income needed to be generated so I accepted a job not in the healthcare field and am making much less then I am capable of bringing in when considering the income scale of both nurses and APN's in my present location.
In between my schooling I took some time off to marry my longtime partner, who has been my rock throughout my studies, and is the reason I have been afforded the opportunity to pursue my education. He has never pressured me to secure a job and utilize my education until recently as an injury has rendered him disabled which resulted in him leaving the work force until he makes a full recovery. I now feel it is my responsibility to secure a position where I can generate a higher monetary income and make up for the loss in finances, especially when I know I am capable of doing so. A week ago he told me as I was providing him care that perhaps I should consider securing a job in the nursing field.
I am scared...I am discouraged...I don't know where to begin...and despite me being confident in the knowledge I possess...I still do not feel equipped to work as either a nurse or a clinician. I am looking for words of encouragement here I guess or any suggestions on what I could do to overcome my insecurities and fears...or possible suggestions on what work I could possibly do which would ease me into the nursing world.
If you can make it through this long thread...and provide some words of wisdom regarding my circumstances...know that I would appreciate it more than words can express.