Published Jun 10, 2007
6 Posts
So, I took my NCLEX RN Friday and got around 105. It's so hard to remember the types of questions and I've found myself going crazy trying to decide if the questions I had were high or low level of difficulty. I can convince myself I failed or that I passed. All i know is that they were TOUGH! This forum has helped ease the pain of waiting till Tuesday a little. but for the rest of you waiting, remember there's nothing else to do. Worst comes to worst, we take it again and PASS! And with the advantage of knowing what to expect at the exam site. My biggest fear would be telling my friends/family/upcoming job, but the other cool thing is that you probably have plenty of people to support you and you KNOW you'll have a job somewhere when you pass eventually.
I hope anyone else anxiously awaiting results can take a breath and remember that if these are your biggest worries in the world, then you're doin' alright. Just take em as they come!! Good luck to all
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Best wishes. It's over and like you said, nothing to do but wait. No need to torture yourself while doing so.
RNinJune2007, RN
214 Posts
Hey... I will be in your place in a week or so (i test June 18th), so I can definitely sympathize. Try not to stress, though!
Why do you have to wait until Tuesday? Can you do quick results? If so, you should have the results tomorrow (2 business days).
Good luck!
Yeah, i might get my results tomorrow.. but i heard it's usually 48hours/2 business days and I just finished Friday afternoon (I don't know if that counts as one day).
I'll post my results either way..
84 Posts
So, I took my NCLEX RN Friday and got around 105. It's so hard to remember the types of questions and I've found myself going crazy trying to decide if the questions I had were high or low level of difficulty. I can convince myself I failed or that I passed. All i know is that they were TOUGH! This forum has helped ease the pain of waiting till Tuesday a little. but for the rest of you waiting, remember there's nothing else to do. Worst comes to worst, we take it again and PASS! And with the advantage of knowing what to expect at the exam site. My biggest fear would be telling my friends/family/upcoming job, but the other cool thing is that you probably have plenty of people to support you and you KNOW you'll have a job somewhere when you pass eventually. I hope anyone else anxiously awaiting results can take a breath and remember that if these are your biggest worries in the world, then you're doin' alright. Just take em as they come!! Good luck to all
Do yourself a favor and go to your state board of nursing site and see if they offer online verification. If they do, plug in your name and see what comes up. They know pretty much right away. If you passed and got your license, your number should pop up. Then you don't have to wait around to find out.
OH MY GOD I PASSED!! I just checked a minute ago on the pearson website after making that last post.
Seriously, I really thought I failed.
7 Posts
29 Posts
y i need to know also! I took my Saturday at 2pm!! so i think it might be tomorrow! i am so worried! i feel the same as you! i think i did fine but at the same time i think i failed!!!
CONGRATS on passing!!
BVFD 333
139 Posts
awsome!!! Concrats
yeah, i was really surprised to see it up there on a sunday night.. if you took it saturday, you should probably see yours tomorrow. think happy thoughts! although it feels like torture, it's not life or death!! let us know how you do.
jessi1106, BSN, RN
486 Posts
24 Posts
Congradulations on passing... It's so exciting when you get that news