Published Dec 12, 2005
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Literally I am. I don't think I have ever felt so overwhelmed at the end of a semester.
I have so much to study for my A&P 2 4th exam, final practical, and cumulative final-not to mention my Lifespan class
I know you all are in the same boat, if not in a deeper one as well. Just wanted to put this in writing and hopefully be able to get back into study mode with confidence. Still not sure if I will hit submit thread or not.
I just want this semester to end now. I sooo need a break and put it behind me (don't we all).
I am so anxious to start clinicals on Jan 9th, but feel like these classes are pulling me back with a magnet
At this point I am craving another snow storm (hopefully class will be canceled) JUST KIDDING
Okay, I feel better now. Thank you for allowing me to vent a little. :roll
3 Posts
We ALL felt that way, and here I am 18 years later with 3 degrees. You are not alone. Hang in .
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I know how you feel, well at least the end of the semester time. I'm sure your being anxious to start nursing school in January is making your end of semester blues even worse.
Hang in there, you can do it. I hope writing down your feelings helped relieve some pressure.
You're almost there, study, do well on your finals, and never look back! :)
You can do it!!!!!!
Thanks for the encouragement. We need that at times, and I appreciate it. :)
104 Posts
Hang in there Jess!!! It's nearly done! I hit that point you're at about two weeks ago, and nearly went nuts too. My last final of the semester was this morning. The amount to which I feel relieved and relaxed is all worth it.
Hang in there Jess!!! It's nearly done! I hit that point you're at about two weeks ago, and nearly went nuts too. My last final of the semester was this morning. The amount to which I feel relieved and relaxed is all worth it. Cats
Thanks Cats, bet it felt like you lost a few lbs. :roll
360 Posts
Love your new avi, girlie!
Jess, I have no doubt you'll do great. I know you're probably sick of hearing it, but you're an amazing person.
You start a new chapter of your life in a month. Now you just have to close up this one. You've busted your butt all semester,and I know you've probably set it up so that you just have to pass to get your A's.
I don't know how your finals schedule is this week, but just do what you can. Take a set of notes, read them, go relax for a while, come back with another. You can definitely do well without overstudying. Just do a bit each day.
You're in my prayers, and you know we're all cheering for you!! :redbeathe :redbeathe
{{{{Jess}}}}}}Love your new avi, girlie!Jess, I have no doubt you'll do great. I know you're probably sick of hearing it, but you're an amazing person.You start a new chapter of your life in a month. Now you just have to close up this one. You've busted your butt all semester,and I know you've probably set it up so that you just have to pass to get your A's. I don't know how your finals schedule is this week, but just do what you can. Take a set of notes, read them, go relax for a while, come back with another. You can definitely do well without overstudying. Just do a bit each day.You're in my prayers, and you know we're all cheering for you!! :redbeathe :redbeathe
Awww Peachy, you always have the "picker-upper" words. I thank you very much :)
347 Posts
Jess -
I haven't been here at allnurses very long, but it's been long enough to see that you always have a kind word for everyone. I'm sorry that stress is getting to you at the moment, but you're almost there - hang in a bit longer, then you'll have a nice, long, refreshing break - at least you're off until 1/9 - I go back 1/3!
Best to you.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Hang in there Jess. I wish I could say it get's better, but it doesn't. The true relief is going to be when you reach your goal. So you have to stay focused on the goal. But we have to find a way to deal with the stress that doesn't make us sick. Good luck!
Jess - I haven't been here at allnurses very long, but it's been long enough to see that you always have a kind word for everyone. I'm sorry that stress is getting to you at the moment, but you're almost there - hang in a bit longer, then you'll have a nice, long, refreshing break - at least you're off until 1/9 - I go back 1/3!Best to you.Amanda
Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy the boards thus far :)
I feel like I accomplished some study today and my goal is to keep it up. It really feels good to be a part of a community with such lovely members. :balloons:
hang in there jess. i wish i could say it get's better, but it doesn't. the true relief is going to be when you reach your goal. so you have to stay focused on the goal. but we have to find a way to deal with the stress that doesn't make us sick. good luck!
yes, and you are a prime example of that tweety. it really pays off to work hard. thanks for your words of wisdom :balloons: