Sick to my stomach


Literally I am. :sniff: I don't think I have ever felt so overwhelmed at the end of a semester. :bluecry1:

I have so much to study for my A&P 2 4th exam, final practical, and cumulative final-not to mention my Lifespan class :cool:

I know you all are in the same boat, if not in a deeper one as well. Just wanted to put this in writing and hopefully be able to get back into study mode with confidence. Still not sure if I will hit submit thread or not.

I just want this semester to end now. I sooo need a break and put it behind me (don't we all).

I am so anxious to start clinicals on Jan 9th, but feel like these classes are pulling me back with a magnet :madface:

At this point I am craving another snow storm (hopefully class will be canceled) :lol2: JUST KIDDING

Okay, I feel better now. Thank you for allowing me to vent a little. :roll

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Hi Jess. Hang in there girl. I know how you feel. I work as a CNA in a nursing home. I'm taking a Patient Care Technician course at the community college and started my clinical last week. I've been feeling nervous and excited. My stomach is full of butterflies; I can barely eat and I've been throwing up. So far I've been doing well in clinical.

Today wasn't a good day for me in clinical. I discontinued my first IV tonight and I did terrible. I started to cry (not in front of the patient). Pulling the tape off was hard; especially when I had to hold pressure on the IV catheter at the same time. The lady had a ton of tape glued to the IV site. My instructor and the lady's daughter (who's an RN) was watching me and I guess I got nervous and my brain froze a little. After all that practice in the classroom, I thought I was ready. I didn't get all my supplies ready; stupid me!

I ended up fumbling with the tape like an idiot and it was stuck to my glove and my finger kept slipping off the IV site. I pulled it out gently but quick; but I didn't do a great job. Tomorrow, I'm going to have to do another IV pull with the instructor and an experienced PCT watching me. I felt so bad; the instructor told me to listen to her more and not get defensive when she corrects me. I'm taking care of patients.

I did well suctioning my patient. (Oral Suctioning).I'm doing well with emptying JPs and doing Accuchecks, Pulse Ox's, and Dynamaps. Plus I've been helping out on the floor as a CNA; passing trays, feeding patients, taking temps and vitals, boosting up patients, answering call bells, doing pm care, setting up rooms for new admits, providing emotional support to patients and their visitors. I fumbled with my first Accucheck, but I did well after I did a couple more. I practiced a lot tonight with my IV pull. (I stuck a pin in a sponge and taped it with a bunch of tape and practiced a lot and focused on correcting the mistakes I made tonight.)

I felt like I failed during my IV pull. At the nursing home I work at; I'm one of the best aides and I'm so confident in what I do. I was so embarrassed; I cried and almost cussed out my instructor. I felt like she embarrased me in front of the patient and her daughter. I felt so bad, I was so angry at myself. But I want to do it again right. Then she had me empty out the JP and wipe the spout with alcohol; then I squeezed it while covering the spout lightly with an alcohol wipe.

Plus I have my other competencies to complete: removal of a foley catheter, changing an ostomy bag, and changing a simple dressing. (Plus removing an IV right!) I'm so nervous; I want to get through the course and do well. I'm going to change my attitude and control my emotions. I thought the instructor was going to kick me out of the class tonight. I don't want to fail the class. Does anyone have any advice about handling my PCT clinical jitters?:nurse:

Wow, you are an amazing busy little bee ;) Best wishes to you!

Thank you sooo much and everyone else who has been so kind and had a conforting word to say.

My Lifespan exam went very well last night. Still keeping my fingers crossed for my A&PII, 3 upcoming exams. One more week and I am freeeeeeeeeee :lol2:

Wow, you are an amazing busy little bee ;) Best wishes to you!

Thank you sooo much and everyone else who has been so kind and had a conforting word to say.

My Lifespan exam went very well last night. Still keeping my fingers crossed for my A&PII, 3 upcoming exams. One more week and I am freeeeeeeeeee :lol2:

I will be praying for you. You'll do well. I had a better day in clinical except it was a slow day for finding skills. There was only 2 IVs that had to be pulled in Same Day Surgery, but my instructor wanted me to observe my classmate pull. (She hasn't done an IV pull yet) and the other man had a lot of blood and drainage on the IV site so the RN had to pull it. PCTs and PCT students aren't allowed to discontinue an IV with a lot of drainage or blood on the site.

There were no simple dressing changes, ostomy changes, and foley removals for me. I observed an colostomy bag change, did a bunch of accuchecks and Dynamaps/Pulse Oxes, and emptied a JP. I finish the course on Tuesday and I want to get the rest of the competencies out of the way. Yes, I'm a busy girl. I go to class 3 evenings a week (4-8pm) and work 4 nights a week at the nursing home (2nd shift).

I hardly have time for myself. I've squeezed in Christmas shopping and decorating the house for the holidays. I won't have time to make Christmas cookies. My mom is graduating on Sunday with a bachelor's degree and I didn't get the day off approved. Nobody wanted to switch with me. I'm calling out; my mom gets her bachelors only once in her lifetime. My coworker wants to switch days with me so she can work for me on Christmas Eve and day and I'll work the New Year's weekend.

I'm signing up for nursing school at the community college. I'll have to take the prereqs first, but I want to go for it. I've wanted to be a nurse when I was a little girl; but when I graduated from high school; I was undecided. I took the CNA course when I was 21 and knew I wanted to work my way up little by little. I wasn't the best in algebra and chemistry, but one of my friends say its a very good learning experience to become a CNA and PCT before going to nursing school. Good luck on your exams. When do you graduate? Are you a CNA or PCT? Write back to me. See ya. :p

Oh and congrats on your Lifespan exam. I guess I'll be all jittery when I go through my prereqs, clinical labs, and clinicals. I'm so happy for you. :rotfl: :balloons:

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