Literally I am. I don't think I have ever felt so overwhelmed at the end of a semester.
I have so much to study for my A&P 2 4th exam, final practical, and cumulative final-not to mention my Lifespan class
I know you all are in the same boat, if not in a deeper one as well. Just wanted to put this in writing and hopefully be able to get back into study mode with confidence. Still not sure if I will hit submit thread or not.
I just want this semester to end now. I sooo need a break and put it behind me (don't we all).
I am so anxious to start clinicals on Jan 9th, but feel like these classes are pulling me back with a magnet
At this point I am craving another snow storm (hopefully class will be canceled) JUST KIDDING
Okay, I feel better now. Thank you for allowing me to vent a little. :roll