OKK.. I am a new grad, who is still searching for a job ( 1 1/2 months), as are many others right now, I am just so sick of hearing nurses who HAVE JOBS talk about how they HATE nursing, how is this fair?? I understand having days that are frustrating, but not nurses who openly talk about how they HATE their jobs...SO QUIT ALREADY so that those of us who actually would like to work can have a job!! Alot of nurses say ..."just wait you'll see what we're saying", but I worked as a pca/cna for 3 years and @ times frustrating (yes...2 pca's on a large unit w/ total care patients is no cake walk either) but overall I still liked my job...I can only hope that one day IF I ever reach the point where I feel like I hate my job (esp. since being a nurse does involves CARING) that I will have the courage and care enough for my patients to leave!