Sick of NURSES who say they HATE NURSING!! Another Vent


OKK.. I am a new grad, who is still searching for a job ( 1 1/2 months), as are many others right now, I am just so sick of hearing nurses who HAVE JOBS talk about how they HATE nursing, how is this fair?? I understand having days that are frustrating, but not nurses who openly talk about how they HATE their jobs...SO QUIT ALREADY so that those of us who actually would like to work can have a job!! Alot of nurses say ..."just wait you'll see what we're saying", but I worked as a pca/cna for 3 years and @ times frustrating (yes...2 pca's on a large unit w/ total care patients is no cake walk either) but overall I still liked my job...I can only hope that one day IF I ever reach the point where I feel like I hate my job (esp. since being a nurse does involves CARING) that I will have the courage and care enough for my patients to leave!

Specializes in trauma, ortho, burns, plastic surgery.

Balance and analyze your self before talk, write or act! :wink2::chuckle. Be yourself not one that people want to be in personal life BUT BE NURSE in nursing life, no one need to see YOU much more than THE NURSE in proefssional BE THE NURSE!

Live and learn.

You must be one of those nurses who hate their jobs.

Specializes in trauma, ortho, burns, plastic surgery.

I don't think young and play around with words....she/he didn't find YET how to express him/her self and belive that using words like that is the most intelligent way....:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle... HONEEEEEEEEY wake up... is LIVE and Love, but you don't need to go there just because you want a not a path, belive me! :D

By the way i saw a new one singing laughing and full of false joy talking with me at the phone showing how uplifting she is..."but I need a job"....and "by the way Zuzi I am conecrn about my sexuality orintation, I think that I could be gay....looooool" damn it I said.... good for you gurly..... I just discoverd that I am not, LOOL :chuckle, not with you, for sure he, he, he!

I think people vent-just like you did (OP)-about their jobs(or lack of). My husband is a pilot and complains about his job at times-there are portions that he dislikes BUT he isn't going to quit his job because he complains about it. He loves it as much as he dislikes it. That could apply to almost anyone in any field. People are smart enough to stay in a job-not quit because they hate it for a moment.


Im sorry, I guess I didnt make myself clear:wink2:...I understand having frustrations, its when its continuously...and when your thoughts of hating what you do consume you, your conversations, and attitude toward other people thats the problem ( at least it is for me...I know this doesnt apply to everyone, NOW). I never said that I thought anyone should quit for having a moment of frustration... I even said that in my first post that only in 3 years of working in the hospital I have been frustrated at times but when it comes to the point when you HATE IT and you spend your whole shift making those miserable around you then YES ...I think you should quit (obviously im a horrible person for thinking that these patients deserve someone who cares about being there to care for them)

Not saying this to you...but according to some.


I understand more clearly. Are these people constantly talking bad in front of patients as well? This could be considered disruptive behavior to co-workers.Then that would be an HR problem IMO. I would not like to work with someone who constantly complained-do they even realize it? Some people get in a habit of complaining and complaining and complaining-they may need someone (HR, management) to break them of this habit.......


you know, there are nurses who DO hate their day at work, and will vent about it.

they can be venting about a series of days.

and then there are those, who literally and sincerely hate nursing altogether.

these are the ones who have burnt out and truly need to get out.

all of them have my sympathies.

and if they could quit, i'm pretty sure they would.

but in these times of economic crisis, few can afford to do so.

that said, intellectually they can recognize that they should be grateful.

but emotionally (and so, humanly), it still doesn't address the severe understaffing w/all of its unrealistic and impossible demands...

with virtually NO support.

and so, i sympathize w/those who are pounding the pavements, looking for work...

and also to those who feel stuck in an impossible work environment.

i say we all get together and have a much needed beer together.

maybe in the rose garden????:clown:


Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.

Though nurses that hate the profession tend to be the most verbal it is the nurses that come to work, without any apparent passion at all, do the minimum for their patients and collect their check that make me the most frustrated.

However, around it all I tend to believe, that despite angry appearances, if you took all the "I hate nursing" nurses and shook them about you would get a spread more like:

I hate nursing because...

of the politics on the floor

of management

of lack of teamwork

of the pressure from doctors

of the hours

of stupid family members

I tend to believe that in the end very few of us hate "the patient", but are more frustrated in our limitations to help the patient.

Now can this negative attitude against the system hurt our patients? Of course! And that is where nurses need to be self-reflective and realize their frustrations, and leave the profession if they are insurmountable and affect their level of care.


Now mind you, I am also a "if you hate your job, leave" kind of person, always have been, always will be. My warning to you, and it isn't much of a warning as I feel this is just a wee vent and not an overall "wake up on the bad side of the stretcher everyday" issue for you...don't let this become your scenario:

I hate nursing because...other nurses hate it and won't leave.


Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
I don't think young and play around with words....she/he didn't find YET how to express him/her self and belive that using words like that is the most intelligent way....:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle... HONEEEEEEEEY wake up... is LIVE and Love, but you don't need to go there just because you want a not a path, belive me! :D

By the way i saw a new one singing laughing and full of false joy talking with me at the phone showing how uplifting she is..."but I need a job"....and "by the way Zuzi I am conecrn about my sexuality orintation, I think that I could be gay....looooool" damn it I said.... good for you gurly..... I just discoverd that I am not, LOOL :chuckle, not with you, for sure he, he, he!

Is this confusing anyone as bad as it is confusing me?? I don't get any of these posts at all.

I worked as a cna and unit secretary for a very busy med-surg floor and often floated to other units, for 5 years. It's different when you become a nurse. Good luck to you. I am one of those who is looking to get out of bedside and make room for the new grads who are looking/needing the hands-on hospital experiences.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

Your frustration as an unemployed new grad does not eclipse, negate, or de-legitimize experienced nurses' feelings of stress or burnout. Both sides, unemployed new-grads and experienced nurses, have valid emotions and perspectives and ought to be respected as such.

Is this confusing anyone as bad as it is confusing me?? I don't get any of these posts at all.

yes, zuzi is perfectly aware that hardly anyone can understand her.

and still, she is a woman with a voice, that commands to be heard.

God bless you, zuzi..:yeah::yeah::yeah:

i love your spirit.


Is this confusing anyone as bad as it is confusing me?? I don't get any of these posts at all.

yeah, I was a little confused.

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